Congressman Carlos Giménez Issues Bold Warning: ‘Hands Off María Corina Machado!


US ⁢Lawmakers ⁤Stand in Solidarity with Venezuelan Opposition Leaders

Following a dire threat from ⁣ Jorge Rodríguez, the president of the⁣ National Assembly linked to Nicolás‍ Maduro, targeting the Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado and Unity candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, US senators ⁢and congressmen have rallied in their defense.

“Don’t touch María Corina Machado. Don’t‌ even try. As ​a ⁣member of the⁣ United States Congress, I demand that the Biden administration hold Nicolás Maduro directly responsible for‍ anything that happens to him.‍ Enough impunity.” This statement was made by Republican congressman Carlos Giménez on his X account.

American senator Rick Scott ⁣ also voiced his⁣ concern regarding the threats against Machado and González Urrutia. He stated, ⁢ “I spoke to Maria today and ⁣have since heard that‍ Maduro has issued an arrest warrant for her for standing up for ‍freedom. The United States must stand with the people as they courageously mobilize for ‌freedom and democracy.”

Congresswoman Maria Elvira⁣ Salazar added her support for Machado, emphasizing, “If Chavismo touches‍ a hair on María Corina Machado or Edmundo​ González, the United States will make sure that justice reaches them ⁢very soon.”

The text presents a clear stance from US lawmakers in support of Venezuelan ⁢opposition leaders, particularly María Corina Machado and Edmundo González ⁤Urrutia, following threats from Jorge‌ Rodríguez, the‌ president of Venezuela’s ​National Assembly. ‍Here’s a summary and some key​ points:


US lawmakers have publicly condemned ‍threats made by ‌Jorge Rodríguez against Venezuelan opposition figures. They have called for accountability ⁢from Nicolás Maduro and expressed strong support for Machado and ‍González⁣ Urrutia, ⁣emphasizing the need for ‍the ⁣US to stand with the Venezuelan people in their fight for freedom and democracy.

Key Points:

  • Threats Against Opposition Leaders: Jorge Rodríguez issued threats⁣ against María Corina Machado and Edmundo ⁣González Urrutia.
  • Statements from US Congress Members:

‍ – Carlos​ Giménez (Republican): Demanded accountability⁢ from Maduro, asserting that any harm to Machado would not be tolerated.

‌- Rick Scott (Senator): Reported that Maduro had issued an arrest warrant for Machado and urged the⁢ US to support the Venezuelan people’s fight‍ for democracy.

Maria Elvira Salazar (Congresswoman): Warned⁢ that any aggression towards Machado or González would prompt a strong response from ⁤the United States.


These statements underscore a commitment from certain US​ lawmakers to‌ advocate for human rights and democracy in Venezuela, signaling potential⁣ political and diplomatic repercussions for the Maduro‍ regime if it continues its aggressive actions against ‌opposition leaders.



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