Congress approved to exempt the IGV to basic products of the basic family basket until December | NMR | | ECONOMY

With 97 votes in favor, 9 once morest and 2 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress approved the project to exonerate to some products of the basic family basket until December of this year.

According to the text, the exemption reaches the import or domestic sale of food such as chicken, eggs, milk, wheat flour, noodles, sugar and meat products.

The rule also has the purpose of creating a mechanism for the use and return of the fiscal credit of the accumulated general sales tax that would have been levied on the acquisition of raw materials and supplies and other products or services used in the production process of the foods that are exempted. by this law.

If there is an accumulated balance of unused tax credit, the holder may request a refund from the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat), every three months and for a minimum amount of one Tax Unit (UIT).

Likewise, this law will be in force from May 1 to December 31, 2022.

It should be noted that the text that was approved in Congress left aside the proposal of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), which requested an exemption of only three months with two conditions, inflation greater than 6% and that the products affect more than 0.12 percentage points.

In this sense, the Parliament took into account the projects of the congressmen of the benches: Popular Force, Alliance for Progress, Democratic Peru and Popular Action. The latter was signed by the president of the Legislative Assembly, Maricarmen Alva.

For this reason, this approved opinion is the substitute text of bills 1629, 1630, 1645, 1650 and 1670, which sought to exonerate food from the basic family basket from the General Sales Tax.


It’s official. By supreme decree, the Minimum Vital Remuneration (RMV) was raised from S/ 930 to 1,025 soles, aimed at workers subject to the labor regime of private activity. Since when does this measure apply?



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