Confusion over suspected shooting sparks chaos at Florida Mall in Orlando | Univision Orlando WVEN

What appeared to be a quiet followingnoon at an Orlando mall turned into chaos following a loud sound was heard that was mistaken for a gunshot.

Dozens of Florida Mall visitors ran while others took shelter inside stores to protect themselves from what they thought was a shooting. However, police confirmed that a shooting did not occur and that the sound may have been from fireworks.

Social network users shared their experience and some videos regarding the situation that took place this followingnoon in the shopping center, commenting that people fled leaving behind their belongings and even children:

Here at @floridamall most stores are empty following people thought fireworks were gunshots. At the food fair a worker told me that people were leaving purses AND CHILDREN behind,” @Jetsfan1961 wrote on Twitter.

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This is crazy! I had to run out of the mall for my life and hide in a restaurant until it was “safe” to come out. Many thanks to the employees of Clarks Shoe Store and La Cantina Restaurant for keeping us safe throughout this ordeal,” Marielys Camacho-Reyes said on Twitter.

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“There was NO ACTIVE SHOOTER at the Florida Mall, an overly dramatic man fell down and started screaming like he was being killed at the Crayola Experience, causing everyone to go into a frenzy, resulting in the loss of a child and of course , caused a ripple effect of things. #FloridaMall,” @urfavelilredd posted on Twitter.

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Dozens of people in Orlando experience moments of panic during July 4 event due to alleged shooting

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