Confronting the Challenges of Big Tech’s Dominance: A Roadmap for Reform

2024-09-16 07:30:12

CThey are two powerful women, often unloved, who have at least one thing in common: they are the bêtes noires of the major American digital platforms. One is leaving Brussels, the other is in the hot seat in Washington. Margrethe Vestager was not selected by Denmark to continue in Ursula von der Leyen’s team her work as Commissioner for Competition, one of the most strategic positions in the European administration; Lina Khan, chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the American antitrust agency, is in the crosshairs of Big Tech bosses, including pro-Democrats, who are demanding her head from Kamala Harris − already on the chopping block of Republican Donald Trump.

During her ten-year term (2014-2024), the inflexible Dane has made life difficult for Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft (Gafam), tracking down their multiple obstacles to real competition and their aggressive tax planning. She has suffered many setbacks and won successes. She will leave with a victory, while she had “prepared for defeat” : The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled without appeal on Tuesday, September 10, that Apple’s paltry taxation in Ireland between 2003 and 2014 was illegal state aid and that Apple will have to pay 13 billion euros to Ireland. However influential he may be, its boss, Tim Cook, does not have the power to oust Mme Vestager.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Apple must repay 13 billion euros in taxes to Ireland, or the EU’s victory over tax optimisation by multinationals

Lina Khan is much more exposed. Hailed as “bold” In Brussels, her nomination by Joe Biden as head of the FTC in 2021 was seen as a declaration of war by Big Tech. Just think, she wanted nothing less than to dismantle them, like Standard Oil, American Tobacco or AT&T before them. While still a student at Yale, and starting from the “Amazon case” in e-commerce, she denounced the inadequacy of antitrust laws, the lack of regulation since the 1980s and the doxa that the market corrects any monopolistic temptation by itself. For a large number of bosses and investors, she has become “Wall Street’s number one enemy”.

Ambitious regulatory policy

What will Kamala Harris do if she enters the White House? Two major donors, LinkedIn founder and CEO Reid Hoffman and media tycoon Barry Diller, have denounced her reading « agressive » antitrust laws, which would hinder the smooth running of business. Microsoft does not forgive her for having tried to torpedo the acquisition of the video game publisher Activision, Facebook for contesting the absorption of Instagram and WhatsApp, Amazon for having filed a complaint for monopolistic practices. Her reappointment or ouster will have symbolic value. More sensitive than the outgoing president to the demands of the Silicon Valley giants, the former senator from California may be tempted to give them assurances, even if she knows the unpopularity of Gafam.

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– How have Margrethe ⁢Vestager and Lina Khan influenced antitrust regulation in the tech industry?

The Unstoppable Duo: Margrethe ⁢Vestager and Lina Khan, Tech Giants’ ⁤Worst Nightmare

In the world of tech and antitrust regulations,‌ two ‌women stand out ‌for their‍ unwavering determination to take on the giants of Silicon ⁤Valley. Margrethe ‌Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, and Lina Khan, ‌the‌ chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), ⁢have ‍been making life difficult for the likes ​of Google, Amazon, ⁢Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft (GAFAM).⁤ Their unrelenting ⁤pursuit of fair competition and taxation has earned them the ire of Big Tech bosses, but they remain⁤ undeterred.

Margrethe Vestager:⁢ The Infamous Antitrust Enforcer

After‌ a⁢ decade-long ‌tenure, Vestager is leaving Brussels, but ⁢not‍ before securing a major victory ‌against‍ Apple. The Court​ of‌ Justice of the European Union ruled‌ that Apple’s taxation in Ireland between 2003 and ‌2014 was illegal state aid, and the ‍company will have to pay​ €13 billion to Ireland. This win is a testament to Vestager’s ‍unwavering ⁢commitment to fighting against monopolies and unfair business practices.

During her ⁤time as ⁣Commissioner, Vestager has made⁤ life difficult for GAFAM, tracking down their numerous⁣ obstacles to ‌real competition and​ aggressive tax planning. ​Her relentless pursuit of justice has earned her both setbacks and ​successes. Despite her​ departure, her legacy will continue ⁣to inspire and motivate those ‌fighting for a fairer digital landscape.

Lina Khan: The Bold FTC Chair

Lina Khan, on ‌the other ‍hand, ​is in ​the hot seat ‌in Washington. Her nomination by Joe Biden as head ‍of the FTC in 2021 was seen as a declaration of war against Big Tech. Khan’s bold vision is to dismantle the⁢ tech⁤ giants, just like Standard ⁣Oil, American Tobacco, or AT&T were broken up ​in ⁣the past.‌ Her views‌ on the inadequacy of antitrust laws and the lack of regulation since the 1980s have made her a​ thorn ⁣in the side of tech moguls.

Khan’s ambitious regulatory policy has made her “Wall Street’s number one enemy.” Her critics argue that her aggressive approach to antitrust ⁢laws will hinder the smooth ​operation of businesses. However, her supporters see her⁤ as a⁢ champion of fair ‍competition and consumer rights.

The​ Future of Antitrust ‍Regulation

As Kamala⁣ Harris potentially ​enters the White House, the question on everyone’s mind is: what will she do about Lina ⁤Khan?⁢ Two ⁢major donors, LinkedIn founder and ⁢CEO Reid Hoffman​ and media tycoon Barry⁢ Diller, have denounced Khan’s “aggressive”‍ antitrust laws. Microsoft, ​too, is unhappy with her ​after she tried to block its acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

The fate of antitrust regulation hangs in the balance. Will Harris support Khan’s bold vision or cave to the demands ⁢of Big Tech? One thing⁢ is certain: the⁢ duo ​of Vestager and Khan has left an indelible mark on the world of antitrust regulation, and⁣ their legacy will continue to inspire future generations ​of regulators and ⁣advocates for fair competition.

SEO Keywords: Margrethe Vestager, ⁤Lina Khan, Antitrust Regulation, Big Tech, GAFAM, European Commission, Federal ⁤Trade Commission, Apple, Ireland, Taxation, Competition ⁣Law, Silicon⁣ Valley.

– How have Margrethe Vestager and Lina Khan changed the landscape of antitrust regulation in the tech industry?

The Unstoppable Duo: Margrethe Vestager and Lina Khan Take on Big Tech

In the world of antitrust regulation, two powerful women have been making waves in the European and American digital landscapes. Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, and Lina Khan, the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), have been relentlessly pursuing Big Tech giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft (Gafam). While Vestager has left her mark on Brussels, Khan is under fire in Washington. But what drives these two women, and how have they shaped antitrust regulation in the tech industry?

Margrethe Vestager: The European Enforcer

During her ten-year tenure (2014-2024), Vestager has been a thorn in the side of Big Tech. She has investigated and fined several companies for anticompetitive practices, including Apple, Google, and Amazon. Her tough stance has earned her respect and criticism in equal measure. In her final victory, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Apple’s taxation in Ireland between 2003 and 2014 was illegal state aid, ordering the company to pay 13 billion euros to Ireland.

Lina Khan: The American Maverick

Lina Khan, on the other hand, is facing intense scrutiny from Big Tech bosses and certain pro-Democrats who want her head. Her nomination by Joe Biden as head of the FTC in 2021 was seen as a declaration of war against Big Tech. Khan’s crusade against monopolization began when she was a student at Yale, where she argued that antitrust laws were inadequate to regulate the tech industry. Her bold approach has earned her the title of “Wall Street’s number one enemy.”

Ambitious Regulatory Policy

Both Vestager and Khan have been instrumental in shaping antitrust regulation in the tech industry. They have pushed for stricter enforcement of competition laws, scrutinizing the business practices of Big Tech companies and advocating for greater transparency and accountability. Their efforts have led to significant fines and penalties for companies found guilty of anticompetitive practices.

Influence on Antitrust Regulation

So, how have Margrethe Vestager and Lina Khan influenced antitrust regulation in the tech industry?

Increased scrutiny: Vestager and Khan have brought Big Tech under intense scrutiny, highlighting the need for stricter regulation and greater transparency in the industry.

Stricter enforcement: Both women have advocated for stricter enforcement of competition laws, resulting in significant fines and penalties for companies found guilty of anticompetitive practices.

New regulatory approaches: Vestager and Khan have pushed for new regulatory approaches, such as Khan’s proposal to dismantle Big Tech companies, like Standard Oil, American Tobacco, or AT&T, which have been deemed monopolistic.


As Margrethe Vestager leaves Brussels and Lina Khan faces opposition in Washington, their legacy in shaping antitrust regulation in the tech industry is undeniable. Their tireless efforts to promote competition, transparency, and accountability have had a significant impact on the way we approach digital regulation. While the road ahead may be uncertain, one thing is clear: Vestager and Khan have left an indelible mark on the world of antitrust regulation.

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* [Apple must repay 13 billion euros in taxes to Ireland, or the EU’s victory over tax optimization by multinationals](



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