Conflux Technology raises $11 million in Series B funding

Conflux Technology Raises $11 Million: The Heat Exchanger Revolution!

Alright, let’s get our heads around this delightful news from the world of additive manufacturing, shall we? Conflux Technology, an Australian leader in thermal transfer and additive manufacturing, has just raised a cool $11 million in a Series B funding round. That’s more money than my entire career’s worth of bad jokes could ever hope to generate! And who led this? Breakthrough Victoria—sounds like a superhero team, doesn’t it? Can’t wait to see their capes!

Now, what are they doing with all this cash? Well, they’re not just planning a cashmere sweater line, oh no! They’re developing next-gen technologies while improving customer support globally. I mean, imagine calling customer service for a heat exchanger—“Hi, can you help me with my heat exchange program? It’s not what I thought it would be!”

But they’re not stopping there. They’re teaming up with Odys Aviation to turn the aviation world upside down with a VTOL aircraft. Yes, that’s right, vertical take-off and landing aircraft. Now, if they can just figure out how to make it land without a giant runway, we’ll be sorted! If my Uber rides don’t go smooth, I might just start demanding *that* service instead!

From Zero to Hero with Heat Exchangers

Conflux’s mission? It’s all about tackling the limitations of heat exchangers to help us all achieve net zero emissions. That’s some serious environmental talk, folks. They’re producing heat exchangers that are lighter, smaller, and able to adapt to unique geometries—though I still can’t even fold a fitted sheet correctly! Thanks to the magic of additive manufacturing, they can print these bad boys as a single piece, cutting down on time, materials, and, let’s be honest, probably a fair bit of hair-pulling!

Michael Fuller, the founder and CEO, proudly boasted about delivering global efficiency. And look, I’m not saying their focus on weight reduction and heat transfer solutions isn’t impressive, but when was the last time you were impressed by a radiator? “Oh, look at that beauty—totally capable of reducing environmental impact and heating my water!” Sure, pal, maybe we can next take a trip to the hardware store for a thrilling day out!

The Big Ambitions

This funding is going to speed up the development of Conflux Production Systems (CPS), an advanced solution for producing heat exchangers. Think of it like replacing your grandmother’s old cookbook with a sleek instructional app. With these CPS, they’re automating the complex manufacturing process, alleviating supply chain troubles, increasing efficiency, and optimizing operations. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Next thing you know, I’ll be trying to order my air conditioning straight from a vending machine!

A Head Start in Sustainable Aviation

Now, let’s talk about their partnership with Odys Aviation. Together, they’re concocting a heat recovery turbogenerator system that’s supposed to integrate with existing aerospace turbines. I mean, now *that* is a mouthful! The aim? Reduce fuel consumption by over 40%! That’s like going on a diet but actually enjoying your food. Always a win-win!

James Dorris, the co-founder of Odys, couldn’t contain his excitement about bringing geometrically complex designs into the craft. Which is nice—he’s obviously more adept at designing aircraft parts than I am at assembling IKEA furniture! They’re hoping to create the “Laila,” a VTOL with some serious cargo capabilities. What’s next? A VTOL that can bring your snack from the kitchen while you binge-watch another reality TV show? Now that’s a dream!

Into the Future

So, let’s round this up. Conflux Technology is making strides in the heat exchanger market, which is valued at about $6 billion. With their aim to make manufacturing processes more accessible, we’re looking at a promising future that could redefine production efficiency and sustainabilit—wow, that’s a lot to digest! But hey, if they can manage it without any explosions or meltdowns, I’m all in.

The world of additive manufacturing just got a little more interesting, and I, for one, will be watching with bated breath. Or should I say, heated breath? Who knew thermal transfer could be this exhilarating! Until next time, folks—stay safe, stay curious, and remember: if all else fails, just add some new technology and make it work! Cheers!

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Stay up to date with everything that is happening in the wonderful world of AM via our LinkedIn community.

Conflux Technology, leading company in thermal transfer and additive manufacturing (AM), raised $11 million in a Series B funding round for technology development and to improve customer support globally. The round was led by Breakthrough Victoria, with participation from AM Ventures and Acorn Capital. Conflux is also partnering with Odys Aviation to promote the development of the next generation of regional VTOL aircraft.

Conflux Technology aims to solve the limitations of heat exchangers, helping customers achieve net zero emissions by producing heat exchangers that are lighter, smaller and capable of adapting to unique geometries. Thanks to additive manufacturing, Conflux is able to print a high-performance heat exchanger in a single piece, reducing the time, materials and energy needed for production and reducing environmental impact.

“At Conflux Technology, we are proud to deliver global efficiency through our heat transfer and weight reduction solutions,” said Michael Fuller, founder and CEO of Conflux Technology. “With this additional funding and support we have received, we will continue to advance our products and expand to support our customers around the world.”

The financing will be used to accelerate the development of Conflux Production Systems (CPS), an advanced end-to-end solution for the production of heat exchangers via additive manufacturing, as well as strengthen the workforce and meet customer demand in the United States , in Europe and Asia. CPS is a complete manufacturing system that replaces traditional heat exchanger manufacturing facilities, automating the production of complex structures via AM to address supply chain risks, increase efficiency and optimize operations.

“Investing in Conflux and its revolutionary heat exchanger technology demonstrates our commitment to sustainable innovation and efficiency,” said Grant Dooley, CEO of Breakthrough Victoria. “Conflux and this investment are a great testament to the innovations coming out of Australia. We are proud to contribute to the creation of sustainable jobs in our region and to support a local company that has established itself on the world stage.”

Conflux Technology has built a strong reputation as an industry leader, serving a wide range of industries, including motorsports, high-power industrial machinery, hydrogen, e-mobility, defense and more. In addition to the growth and expansion made possible by the latest financing, the company is working with Odys Aviation to advance the development of the next generation of VTOL regional aircraft.

By combining Odys’ expertise in hybrid-electric propulsion and Conflux’s cutting-edge manufacturing solutions, the companies aim to create a heat recovery turbogenerator system that integrates seamlessly into an existing aerospace turbine, reducing energy consumption. fuel by more than 40%. The goal is to reduce the weight and increase the efficiency of the turbogenerator system. The system is intended for integration into Odys Aviation’s “Laila” aircraft, a 21-foot (6.4-meter) wingspan aircraft designed in multiple cargo transport configurations, which, once operational, should allow the aircraft to achieve a range of 450 miles (724 kilometers) with a payload of up to 130 pounds (59 kilograms).

“Conflux’s additive manufacturing and metal 3D printing technology eliminates traditional design limitations, allowing us to create recuperators with geometrically complex and performance-optimized designs, consequently enabling greater autonomy and greater load capacity in aircraft. We are excited to collaborate with the Conflux team to redefine the capabilities of VTOL UAS systems.” explained James Dorris, co-founder and CEO of Odys.

“Next generation aviation is a key sector for us, and we continue to demonstrate our commitment to supporting innovators in this space. We are proud to support customers like Odys Aviation, providing them with the tools they need to drive innovation in sustainable aviation and power their aircraft efficiently,” added Fuller.

Conflux Technology is currently positioning itself in a $6 billion global heat exchanger market and plans to expand further through new partnerships and developments to be announced in the coming months. The company’s goal is to make its heat exchanger designs and related manufacturing process more accessible, so that customers can produce their Conflux exchangers locally, quickly and efficiently. This continued growth will help them achieve those goals.



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