Confirmed line up of Rock in Baradero

2024-01-03 13:30:00

Rock in Baradero announced its line up for the musical meeting that will take place March 29 and 30 at the Municipal Amphitheater from the city (Av. San Martín 550). One of the most important events in the country comes with its summer ritual, with all national music in a festival that brings together entire generations. After announcing his powerful line-up, he reveals which artists will be performing each day and the inaugural show.

Besides, On March 28 there will be an opening show with free admission on Al Río Stage: Los Jóvenes Beggars, La Chancha Muda, La Medianera, Tobías Arribillaga, La Escorpia and more artists. The festival will feature a free stage located in front of the river just outside the entrance to the Amphitheater Municipal, where the following bands will play on the 29th and 30th. In this case it will be in a time slot prior to the opening of the venue and the grid of the main stages of the festival.


Day 1

The Authentic Decadents, Los Palmeras, Los Pericos, You Point It Out to Me, Stellar, Nonpalidece, Kapanga, El Plan de la Mariposa, Massacre, Benjamín Amadeo, El Zar, Piti Fernández, Koino Yokan, Ketekalles, Barco, Terapia, Coral, Doppel Gangs, Dum Chica, Good Vampires, Sakatumba, Nina Suárez, The Audiovisual Club, Trucker.


Day 2

Rata Blanca, Las Pelotas, La H No Murió, Turf, Catupecu Machu, Jokers, Fabiana Cantilo, El Kuelgue, Emmanuel Horvilleur, Dante Spinetta, El Bordo, Nafta, Militantes del Climax, Palta & The Mood, Parientes, Manu Martínez, Ryan , Eterna Inocencia, Las Tussi, Kill Flora, Mugre, WRRN, Mora y los Metegoles, Magazines.

Find more information about tickets here.

#Confirmed #line #Rock #Baradero

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