confirmed a new case in Santa Fe and reached 40 infections in the country

The National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) confirmed today a new positive case of avian influenza (AI) H5, in backyard birds in the province of Santa Fewith which there are 40 detections of the disease in total so far throughout the country.

In a statement, the health agency indicated that “of the 3 samples analyzed today by the Senasa National Laboratory, 2 had a negative diagnosis and 1 positive of AI H5, in backyard birds in a farm of the Grutly town in Santa Fe.

Senasa explained that “of the more than 200 notifications analyzed by the Senasa Laboratory, to date, there are 40 confirmed casesin backyard birds (32), wild (4) and commercial sector (4) distributed as follows: 16 in Córdoba, 9 in Buenos Aires, 4 in Neuquen, 4 in Santa Fe, 2 in Rio Negro, 1 in Chaco, 1 in Jujuy, 1 in Santiago del Estero; 1 in San Luis and 1 in Salta.

Anyone can notify Senasa if you identify mortality, nervous, digestive and/or respiratory signs in wild or poultry birds, through the following channels:

The ways of contact They are at the nearest Senasa office – personally, by phone 11 5700 5704; through the App for mobile devices “Senasa Notifications”, available in the Play Store; by writing an email to [email protected], through the Notify Senasa section of the organization’s website. For more information, you can consult the portal of the National Avian Health Program.

Avian influenza type A is a notifiable contagious disease, caused by a virus that affects many avian species and has never been present in Argentina, which is why it is considered exotic. Waterfowl, in particular, are considered an important reservoir of this virus.

Early detection and notification, immediate attention, as well as biosecurity measures, are fundamental pillars of the prevention and containment strategy carried out by Senasa with the permanent collaboration of the productive sector and the entire community.

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