Confessed to Bucin, Tariq Halilintar Creates a Love Song for Fuji

Friday, September 16, 2022 – 10:22 WIB

LIVE ShowbizRomance Tariq Halilintar and Fuji often in the public spotlight because of their intimacy which is often exhibited on various occasions.

Claiming to really love Fuji, Tariq Halilintar doesn’t even mind being called a love slave or bucin. In fact, Atta Halilintar’s sister revealed that she had composed a song for her lover. What’s the song like? Come on, scroll.

Not long ago Tariq Halilintar had the opportunity to visit the residence Maia Estianty as well as guest star for MAIA ALELDUL TV’s YouTube podcast. Starting with Tariq pretending to be playing the piano, Maia then asked regarding the possibility of Tariq composing a song for Fuji.

“I thought I wanted to compose a song for Fuji, I was so busy, like Dul. Dul likes to compose for Tissa,” said Maia Estianty, quoted Friday, September 16, 2022.

Hearing Maia’s words, Tariq gave a surprising response. He claimed to have written a song for his lover, although it has not been released yet.

“I composed a song, but it hasn’t come out yet,” said Tariq Halilintar.

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