Confessed murderer of Orlando Jorge Mera asks to speak to the press to give his version of the events

In the interest of the country knowing everything that happened around the assassination of the Minister of the Environment, Orlando Jorge Merathe confessed author requested the National District Prosecutor’s Office to be allowed an interview with different media outlets to give his version of the facts.

Miguel Cruz de la Motain an instance sent to the prosecutor of the National District, Rosalba Ramos, through her lawyers Manuel Sierra Pérez and Ybo René Sánchez, requests that the interview be held in the cell where he is imprisoned with journalists Julissa Céspedes and Alicia Ortega, Z-101, El Sol de la Mañana, without limiting this to other media.

In the request for diligence, the defense of the accused, imprisoned in the Najayo prisonrequests that the interview be in the presence of officials from the Public Ministry that, in their interest, the titular prosecutor has designated for the corresponding legal purposes.

“This man (Miguel Cruz de la Mota) has energetically asked us that he wants us to society and the media listen to the version he has of what happened,” said Ybo René.

Manuel Sierra said that they are also asking prosecutor Ramos to give him a copy of the interview conducted with his client a few minutes after the crime occurred, as well as a copy of the videos both on the outside and inside. of the Ministry of the Environment.

Likewise, they asked the Public Ministry to hand over all the WhatsApp conversations on the defendant’s phone, from the last three days until the last hours when Cruz de la Mota handed it over to the authorities.

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Cruz de la Mota was arrested for the death of his childhood friendwhich occurred on June 6 at the Environment offices.

According to the file of the prosecuting body, Faust Miguel Cruz, nicknamed “Carandai”, planned the assassination of the minister, because he was opposed to grant permissions to export 5,000 tons of used batteries through the company Aurum Gavia, SA

Supposedly, the defendant was frustrated because “he campaigned for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and they did not solve him.”

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