conference on sickle cell disease organized by the APIPD and the

On May 14, the APIPD and the Maison des Outre-mer de Lyon organized a conference followed by a debate on sickle cell disease at the Hôtel de Ville. Back on this moment with the Actu des Assos.

L’APIPD and the Lyon Overseas House organized a conference on sickle cell disease at the Hôtel de Ville in Lyon in order to inform the public about the disease and its consequences. This conference was held by the president of the APIPD, Jenny Hippocrate, mother of a child with sickle cell who fights every day against this disease.

Sickle cell disease (sickle cell anemia) is a genetic and hereditary disease affecting the red blood cells. A child can only be sick if both parents are transmitters, ie asymptomatic carriers of the sickle cell gene. It is an autosomal, recessive hereditary disease, that is to say that it affects girls as much as boys, and that it only manifests itself when one is a carrier of two genes for the disease. This disease is genetic and therefore not contagious.

Relive this moment with Assos News (KLB Production/FTV) ↓

  • The Overseas House of Lyon

The MOM is a regional collective with associative status under the 1901 law which links the various social, cultural, economic and political actors and the State. His project is part of the process of giving a voice to the ultramarines within the framework of the Assises d’Outre-mer. The president of MOM Lyon, Marie-Claude pivert, is also the president of the APIPD Lyon branch.

  • APIPD (Association for the Prevention and Information of Sickle Cell Disease)
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Association for the information and prevention of sickle cell disease has more than 7,000 members. Its objective: to ensure the prevention and screening of sickle cell disease, the leading genetic disease in France.

  • Lyon Overseas House

Highlighting the initiatives of the many overseas associations present in France is the objective of this weekly meeting of the Overseas portal.

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