Conference by Dan Bigras on March 29

As part of the campaign March: the month of employmentthe Table de concertation pour l’emploi de Vaudreuil-Soulanges is organizing a virtual conference presented by Dan Bigras, singer, filmmaker, actor, and speaker.

Sprinkled with humor, but also with moving and revealing stories, Dan Bigras’ conference will present his life journey on the importance of a first look or the power of our words.

His listening, his sensitivity and his determination are a source of inspiration to access our capacities for expression and adaptation in times of change. In this period of pandemic and telework, job seekers must demonstrate the ability to adapt both personally and professionally, just like the speaker who has agreed to harmonize his life by facing his difficulties. Dan Bigras will draw inspiration from his personal life to make the connection with the current situation.

The conference will take place live on March 29 at 7 p.m. via the Zoom platform. Registrations are required via the website More information is also available on the event facebook page.

It should be noted that March: Employment Month is made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Government of Quebec.

About the speaker

Singer-songwriter, actor, filmmaker, lecturer, Dan Bigras has been a unique figure in the Quebec cultural landscape for nearly thirty years. His songs have toured all over the Francophonie. He became known, in particular, thanks to his songs like Tue-moi, Ange animal or Les Trois Petits Cochons, now classics. As an actor, we have seen him on television and in the cinema (The Last Chapter, René Lévesque, 30 lives). He has written and directed two films, The Inner Ring and The Rage of the Angel.

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