Condusef: What are tied sales, used by some banks?

Condusef: What are tied sales, used by some banks?
Some banks use tied sales. Photo: Shutterstock

Las tied sales are a mechanism that some use banks, Credit Unions or Savings Banksto mention a few, where you condition to contract a financial service in exchange for otherfor example, when acquiring a loan, they force you to add insurance with a third party, explained the Condusef (National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services).

Are “tied sales” prohibited?

Through their social networks, the Condusef said that tied sales are prohibited conducttherefore, if any citizen is a victim of one, they can go to said dependency for advice.

  • Other entities, such as Sofomes (Multiple Object Financial Companies), SOFIPOs (Popular Financial Companies) and Financial Technology Institutions (Fintech), may have this type of practice, for which they must be reported, as they are prohibited.

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Where can a “tied sale” be reported?

The Condusef said that if there are these kinds of activitiesyou can resort to the agency, report it to 55 53 400 999 or go to the official website of the Commission and report it online.

“Watch out for tied sales! It is a prohibited behavior that the Condusef must inhibit and sanction. If you have been a victim, report it to 55 53 400 999 or through the online chat available at:”.

The agency added that the citizen has the right to decide what services or products you hire and with whom.

“This must be clearly stated in the contract you enter into, in the and in the information provided by the employees and officers of the financial institution you go to,” added the Condusef.



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