Concluding the Journey: Indigenous Community Initiatives in Chaco Achieve IACHR Compliance

Concluding the Journey: Indigenous Community Initiatives in Chaco Achieve IACHR Compliance

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) reported that it is completing the work of opening and improving roads for the indigenous communities of Yakye Axa, Xakmok Kásek and Sawhoyamaxa, in the department of Presidente Hayes, in compliance with international rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

This action is part of the rulings issued by the IACHR in 2005 and 2010, which ordered the restitution of lands and reparation measures for the violation of the territorial rights of these communities.

Between Yakye Axa and Kelyenmagategma, the MOPC completed the opening of a 24-kilometer road that allows land connectivity. Currently, expansion work, embankment raising and profiling are being carried out, in addition to the placement of culverts to improve drainage. A community reservoir was also built, with the projection of an additional one in the short term. At the same time, the cleaning of areas destined for the construction of educational, health and housing centers in the urban center is being carried out.

In the community of Sawhoyamaxa, the MOPC opened a new 3 km road connecting the villages of 16 de Agosto and Riacho Negro. In addition, maintenance work is being carried out on the access roads to different villages and culverts are being installed to ensure transitability during the rainy season. These works significantly improve connectivity and access to basic services in the region.

In Xakmok Kásek, the MOPC completed the construction of a 14-kilometer earthworks road that connects Route PY09 with the community. The section includes 84 culverts, which guarantees proper drainage and prevents roadblocks. In addition, the maintenance of some 15 km of internal roads with the installation of 6 lines of tubular and cellular culverts. These actions are part of the repairs ordered by the IACHR, ensuring the community’s access to its lands and services.

Supervision of the IACHR

In the second half of September, a delegation from the IACHR, headed by Judge Rodrigo Mudrovitsch, will visit Paraguay. The team will verify the progress in the execution of the sentences in the Yakye Axa and Xakmok Kásek communities on September 18 and 19, evaluating the completion of the works carried out by the MOPC.

#Works #indigenous #communities #Chaco #enter #final #phase #comply #IACHR #rulings
2024-09-13 17:55:42

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Asunción’s Infrastructure Development: A ⁣Leap Towards Sustainability and Connectivity

Asunción, the capital city of Paraguay, is undergoing a significant transformation ‍in its infrastructure development. The city is witnessing a surge in investments ‌in⁣ hard infrastructure, including transport, energy, water, and sanitation facilities, which⁢ are ⁤expected to improve the quality of‌ life for its residents.

Hard Infrastructure: The Backbone of Development

Hard infrastructure refers to fixed physical structures or ​facilities that support⁤ different service sectors, such as transport, energy, water, and sanitation [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. In Asunción, the Ministry of Public‍ Works (MOPC)⁢ is working ‌towards completing the work of opening and⁤ improving roads for the indigenous communities of ‌Yakye Axa, Xakmok Kásek, and Sawhoyamaxa, in compliance with international rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights‍ (IACHR). This development will not only improve ​connectivity but also provide better ⁢access to basic ⁢services⁣ in the region.

Sustainable Transportation System

Asunción is also⁢ getting a new public transport system, which is currently under​ construction [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. This development will ⁢provide a‌ safer and ‌more efficient transportation experience for residents and commuters. Furthermore, thirty sustainable bus shelters were⁢ installed throughout ⁢Asunción,​ aiming to improve the experience and safety of public transportation users [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Improved Connectivity and Access to‍ Basic⁣ Services

The​ MOPC’s efforts⁢ in​ improving roads and infrastructure will significantly improve ‌connectivity and access to ​basic services in⁢ the region. The completion of⁢ a 24-kilometer road between Yakye Axa and Kelyenmagategma will allow land connectivity, while the construction of a 14-kilometer earthworks road ⁣in Xakmok Kásek will connect Route PY09 with the community. These​ developments will not only ​enhance the ⁣quality of life for residents but ⁤also provide better access to educational, health, and housing centers in ⁣the ⁤urban center.


Asunción’s infrastructure development is a crucial step towards creating a sustainable and connected city. The investments ‍in ​hard infrastructure, sustainable transportation systems, and improved connectivity will not only benefit the residents but also contribute to the city’s economic growth ⁣and development. As Asunción continues to grow and‌ evolve, it is ​essential to prioritize infrastructure development that is sustainable, efficient, and equitable for⁣ all.

Keywords: Asunción, Infrastructure Development, ​Hard⁤ Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation, Connectivity, Basic⁣ Services, Paraguay.

Here are some PAA (Problem-Action-Advice) related questions for the title **”Compliance with International Rulings: Paraguay’s Efforts to Improve Infrastructure for Indigenous Communities”**:

Compliance with International Rulings: Paraguay’s Efforts to Improve Infrastructure for Indigenous Communities

The Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) in Paraguay has been working tirelessly to improve infrastructure for indigenous communities in the department of Presidente Hayes. This effort is in compliance with international rulings issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in 2005 and 2010, which ordered the restitution of lands and reparation measures for the violation of territorial rights of these communities.

Improving Connectivity and Access to Basic Services

The MOPC has completed the opening of a 24-kilometer road between Yakye Axa and Kelyenmagategma, allowing for land connectivity and improving access to basic services in the region. Additionally, the Ministry has opened a new 3 km road connecting the villages of 16 de Agosto and Riacho Negro in the community of Sawhoyamaxa. These works significantly improve connectivity and access to basic services in the region.

Construction of Infrastructure

In Xakmok Kásek, the MOPC has completed the construction of a 14-kilometer earthworks road that connects Route PY09 with the community. The section includes 84 culverts, which guarantees proper drainage and prevents roadblocks. Furthermore, the Ministry has carried out maintenance work on some 15 km of internal roads with the installation of 6 lines of tubular and cellular culverts.

Supervision of the IACHR

The IACHR plays a crucial role in ensuring that countries comply with international human rights standards. In the case of Paraguay, the IACHR has been actively involved in supervising the implementation of its rulings, including the restitution of lands and reparation measures for the violation of territorial rights of indigenous communities.

Previous Cases

The IACHR has previously dealt with cases involving the violation of human rights in Paraguay. For example, in 2003, the Commission received a petition from Mr. Carlos Alberto Mojoli Vargas, which was later declared admissible [[3]]. Additionally, in 2021, the IACHR referred a case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, citing the State of Paraguay’s failure to comply with its international obligations [[2]].

Importance of Compliance with International Rulings

Compliance with international rulings is crucial in ensuring that countries respect and protect human rights. In the case of Paraguay, the implementation of the IACHR’s rulings has led to significant improvements in infrastructure and access to basic services for indigenous communities. This demonstrates the importance of international cooperation and the role of human rights bodies in promoting and protecting human rights.

the efforts of the Ministry of Public Works in Paraguay to improve infrastructure for indigenous communities are a significant step forward in complying with international rulings and promoting human rights. The IACHR’s supervision and involvement in ensuring compliance with its rulings are essential in promoting respect for human rights and the rule of law in the region.




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