Concluding the Free Textbook Initiative for the 2024-2025 Academic Year: A Milestone by the Ministry of Public Education

  • The Living Museum of Muralism will be inaugurated before the end of President López Obrador’s government
  • Meetings are held with the work team of the next head of the SEP to ensure the continuity of the educational transformation, he says
  • Teachers assess students to determine what learning needs to be reinforced; although the PISA test will be carried out, “the definitive diagnosis is the one made by the teacher in his/her group”

The Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez Amaya, reported that, before the end of September, the Free Textbooks (LTG) will be available in public and private preschool and secondary schools in the 32 states of the country, as well as the educational materials of Telesecundaria; all primary schools in the Mexican Republic already have their copies since the start of the 2024-2025 School Year.

At the end of her participation in the National Vaccination Campaign against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 2024, aimed at 1.3 million 5th year primary school students nationwide, she reported that, to avoid confusion or misinformation, it is pertinent to clarify that the English subject will have its own textbooks for each grade of secondary education, and explained that, a very different thing is the mention of this subject in the Languages ​​​​book, which also corresponds to secondary school educational materials.

He announced that before September 30, the results will also be published. General guidelines for the sale of food and beverages in elementary schools, which aim to prevent obesity, childhood diabetes and cardiovascular complications in educational communities.

He reported that, at the end of the second week of classes for the 2024-2025 School Year, there is a record of attendance of more than 24 million students in classrooms, with the exception of 19 schools in the municipality of Chalco, State of Mexico; in the border area of ​​Chiapas, and communities in the state of Guerrero.

The head of the SEP stressed that, in the first month of the school year, and as part of teacher autonomy, teachers evaluate their students to determine the learning to be reinforced, without limiting themselves to the content of the study plans and programs, so, although the PISA test will be carried out in a few schools, “the definitive diagnosis is the one made by the teacher in his or her group.”

Regarding the inauguration of the Museo Vivo del Muralismo, he explained that the remodeling works will be completed in the coming days, so it will be inaugurated before the end of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador; he pointed out that the building located at Argentina 28, in the Historic Center of Mexico City, remains the historic headquarters of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP).

Regarding the government transition, he indicated that meetings are being held with the work team of the next Secretary of Education, to review the progress of the current administration, analyze the challenges of the sector and ensure the continuity of the educational transformation in the country.

Finally, regarding the continuity of the National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu), he mentioned that the proposal of the federal Executive is to avoid the duplication of functions in the public administration, so a definition will be made after it is submitted for discussion in the legislative bodies.

Leticia‌ Ramírez Amaya esposo

Education in Mexico: Updates from the Secretary of Public Education, Leticia ⁣Ramírez Amaya

The ‍Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez Amaya, has announced several updates regarding education in Mexico, highlighting the⁤ progress made in the‍ 2024-2025 school ⁣year. Let’s dive into the key ‍takeaways.

Free Textbooks and Educational ⁣Materials

By the‍ end of September, public ​and private preschool ‌and secondary schools across the 32 states of Mexico will receive Free Textbooks ​(LTG)​ and educational materials from Telesecundaria. ⁤This‍ marks a significant milestone, as all primary schools in the Mexican Republic have already​ received their copies since the start of the ‌school year [[1]].

English⁤ Textbooks and ⁢Language Education

To clarify‍ any confusion, Leticia ⁤Ramírez Amaya emphasized that the English⁣ subject will have its ‍own textbooks for each grade of secondary education. The mention ⁤of English in the Languages ​​book is a separate entity, also part of secondary school educational materials [[1]].

General Guidelines for Food and Beverages in Elementary Schools

Before September 30, the results of the general ‍guidelines⁢ for the sale of⁤ food and beverages in elementary schools will be published. These guidelines‌ aim to prevent obesity, childhood diabetes, and‌ cardiovascular complications in educational ‍communities [[1]].

Record Attendance in Classrooms

As of​ the​ second‌ week‍ of‍ classes, over 24 ⁤million students have been recorded in⁤ classrooms, with the exception of 19 schools ‌in the ‌municipality of Chalco,⁤ State of Mexico, the ⁣border area of ​​Chiapas, and communities in ⁣the state of Guerrero [[1]].

Teacher⁤ Autonomy and Student Evaluation

The head of the ⁤SEP stressed ⁢that, in the first month of the⁣ school year, teachers have the autonomy to evaluate their students ‍and ⁣determine the learning‌ needs ⁤to be reinforced. While the PISA test will⁤ be⁣ carried out in some schools, “the definitive diagnosis is the one made by the teacher in his or her group” [[1]].

The Living Museum of Muralism

The Secretary of Public Education​ announced that the remodeling works of the Museo Vivo ‍del Muralismo ⁣will be‌ completed soon, and it will⁣ be inaugurated before the end ⁣of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government. The historic headquarters of the Ministry of Public Education ​(SEP) will remain at⁣ Argentina 28, in the Historic Center of Mexico City [[1]].

Meetings ​with the Next Head of ⁤the SEP

Leticia⁤ Ramírez Amaya⁣ highlighted the importance‌ of ensuring‍ the​ continuity of⁤ the educational ‌transformation, mentioning that meetings are being held with the ⁣work team of the next head of ⁣the SEP [[1]].

About Leticia Ramírez Amaya

Leticia Ramírez Amaya ⁢is a Mexican⁢ professor, ⁤labor leader, and Morena⁢ politician, born on March 25, 1961.⁤ She has been⁣ the Secretary of Public Education since September 1, 2022 [[2]][[3]]. On her Instagram account, ⁤she expressed her pride and responsibility ⁢in being part of ‌the team‍ of the first female President ⁤of ‌Mexico [[1]].

these updates demonstrate the Mexican⁣ government’s‍ commitment to improving education and ensuring the continuity of ⁢educational transformation. The Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez ⁤Amaya, is working tirelessly to promote quality ⁢education‍ and student welfare ​in Mexico.

Quality of education in Mexico

Mexico’s Education Reform: A Comprehensive Overview

Mexico has been undergoing significant changes in its education system, with the current government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador aiming to transform the sector. In this article, we will delve into the latest developments in Mexico’s education reform, including the inauguration of the Living Museum of Muralism, the continuation of educational transformation, and the role of teachers in assessing student learning.

The Living Museum of Muralism: A New Era in Education

The Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez Amaya, announced that the Living Museum of Muralism will be inaugurated before the end of President López Obrador’s government. This new museum will serve as a symbol of Mexico’s rich cultural heritage and will provide a unique learning experience for students. The historic headquarters of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), located in the Historic Center of Mexico City, will undergo remodeling works to transform it into a vibrant cultural hub.

Continuity of Educational Transformation

As the government transition approaches, meetings are being held with the work team of the next Secretary of Education to ensure the continuity of the educational transformation in the country. This transition is crucial in maintaining the momentum of the current administration’s efforts to improve the education system. According to [[2]], Mexico’s education reform has been a long-standing effort, with the aim of providing quality education to all children. The constitutional amendment granting Mexican children the right to a quality education has been a significant step forward in this regard.

Teacher Autonomy and Student Assessment

Teachers will continue to play a vital role in assessing student learning, as part of their autonomy to evaluate their students without limiting themselves to the content of study plans and programs. Although the PISA test will be carried out in a few schools, the head of the SEP emphasized that “the definitive diagnosis is the one made by the teacher in his or her group.” This approach acknowledges the importance of teacher-student interaction in identifying learning needs and providing targeted support.

Free Textbooks and Educational Materials

The Secretary of Public Education also announced that the Free Textbooks (LTG) will be available in public and private preschool and secondary schools in the 32 states of the country, as well as the educational materials of Telesecundaria. All primary schools in the Mexican Republic already have their copies since the start of the 2024-2025 School Year. This initiative aims to reduce inequality in education, as stated in [[1]], citing Mexico’s policy of providing free textbooks to schools since 1959.

General Guidelines for Food and Beverages in Schools

In an effort to prevent obesity, childhood diabetes, and cardiovascular complications in educational communities, the government will publish general guidelines for the sale of food and beverages in elementary schools before September 30.

Record Attendance in Classrooms

At the end of the second week of classes for the 2024-2025 School Year, there is a record of attendance of more than 24 million students in classrooms, with the exception of 19 schools in the municipality of Chalco, State of Mexico; in the border area of ​​Chiapas, and communities in the state of Guerrero.

Mexico’s education reform is progressing steadily, with a focus on providing quality education, promoting cultural heritage, and empowering teachers to assess student learning. As the government transition approaches, ensuring the continuity of educational transformation will be crucial in maintaining the momentum of these efforts.



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