concert #52: frachild, panik deluxe, bo milli @ b72 | November 13, 2023

2024-02-10 10:43:51

Big, unfulfilled expectations: “Bo Milli” obviously didn’t want to be the highlight of the evening at B72.

I decided relatively spontaneously that I wanted to spend that Monday evening in B72. So I set off to be there on time – when I got there I happened to meet an old friend, which meant I had someone to talk to during the (construction) breaks. and at some point the first band started.

frachild“ entered the stage and filled the room with very delicate music and a very delicate voice. They didn’t necessarily have the big hits, but they did have a beautiful, mystical performance. In any case, I was pleasantly surprised – I wasn’t expecting such a solid performance.


I scurried back to the bar to have the next round of conversations regarding cameras and photography with my old friend. and I only scurried back to the stage when the first notes of “panic deluxesounded.

Singer Lily Elektra actually left me a bit speechless when I really heard her voice for the first time. Strong, slightly deeper and very fervently, she placed her vocal organ over the dark ambient pop. The little hype surrounding Panik Deluxe that was floating around Vienna was certainly justified – the band had a good performance and they showed all the prerequisites to become really big (at least in Austria). I am excited!


My expectations were huge, also because the next artist “Bo Milli” was touted as Phoebe Bridgers from Norway. And as a big fan of Phoebe Bridgers, I was of course even more excited to see whether “national“was able to secure a place in my music collection with her performance.

When the artist came on stage with a ponytail and a ribbon, I was a bit disappointed at first: somehow the Norwegian group hadn’t given any thought to their appearance. At least at first glance, I didn’t recognize any effort to convey any particular image, I just recognized that the gig in the B72 was probably an insignificant one that didn’t require any effort.

And that’s how the performance was: they played their music without putting on much of a show, told a few anecdotes from Norway, had a few nice songs that didn’t want to stay in your head. Everything was a bit inconsequential, and I mightn’t see any resemblance to Phoebe Bridgers. Phoebe Bridgers is full of energy and never stands still on a stage, but with “Bo Milli” it was just the opposite. I don’t know why this band lacked so much energy.

And I generally don’t understand why every performance isn’t seen as an opportunity and why a little effort isn’t put into the stage outfit. Maybe it was just my personal problem with ponytails that evening – I don’t think you should wear something like that on a stage, for me it’s not a hairstyle but a tool if you don’t want to have hair on your face.

Finally, I can only say: Panik Deluxe was actually my highlight of the evening, of course alongside my great photography discussions with my old friend. So the evening was worth it, but unfortunately not because of the main band “Bo Milli”.


#concert #frachild #panik #deluxe #milli #b72 #November

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