Concerns Emerge Among U.S. Nonprofits Regarding Mexico’s Judicial Reforms

Concerns Emerge Among U.S. Nonprofits Regarding Mexico’s Judicial Reforms

MEXICO CITY.- The controversial reform of the judiciary promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador increases the Political influence in the appointment of judgesseriously undermining judicial independence in Mexico, warned some 60 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Americas.

The proposal, which aims to elect judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote of the Supreme Court, was approved on September 4 in the Chamber of Deputies.

Still Senate approval is neededwhich may be finalized next week, so that it can be implemented.

Several NGOs from America against judicial reform in Mexico

In a statement, the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), one of the signatory NGOs, recalled that the reform proposes that all SCJN judges be elected by direct popular vote from nominations promoted by the three powers.

“This increases the risk of undue influence on the judiciary by political actors, but also organized crimedegrading judicial professionalism,” he noted.

“In addition, it is expected that Mass dismissal of approximately 1,800 judgeswhich violates the guarantee of permanence, with a direct impact on citizens’ access to justice.”

Controversial “faceless judges”

He also said that the figure of the “faceless judges”rejected by international human rights organizations for violate judicial impartiality and independenceas well as the right of defense.

In response, NGOs called on the Mexican authorities, especially the Senate, to Carefully analyze the proposal and its implications in the independence and impartiality of the Judiciary, taking into account the warning of international human rights organizations.

They recalled that the role of the judiciary as guarantor of rights and freedoms and as a counterweight in a democratic state of law it must be a fundamental premise.

They call for an objective diagnosis of judicial reform

“Any reform requires a objective diagnosiswith solutions in line with the identified problems, supported by technical and empirical evidence of successful and compatible analogous experiences,” he added.

The organizations said Congress must ensure that the reforms conform to international standards.

Also, that they allow for the establishment of a judicial selection process based on merit and qualificationswith effective participation of civil society and free from political ends.

“It is necessary to ensure that any modification guarantee judicial independenceallowing them to exercise their functions without interference or pressure from external powers.”

“Likewise, the changes must ensure necessary budget to guarantee access to justice,” they noted.

Separation of powers in Mexico at risk

They warned that the international community must remain alert, as the separation of powers is at risk and the rule of law by failing to assure Mexicans that there will be an independent and impartial judiciary.

Among the organizations signing the statement are Civic Action Against Corruption (Chile), Solidarity Action (Venezuela)Apuesta Solidaria (Mexico), Association for Human Rights (Peru), National Roundtable for Migration (Dominican Republic), Autonomous Women’s Movement (Nicaragua).

In addition to the Rights and Justice Observatory (Ecuador), Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA/United States)the Legal Office for Women (Bolivia) and Peace and Hope (Peru).

#American #NGOs #warn #risk #judicial #reform #Mexico
2024-09-16 11:50:31

– What are the main uses of the HTML `

` element?

I apologize, but it seems that ⁤you have provided an article on a completely different topic, unrelated to the ‍HTML

element. If you meant to ask me to write an article on the

element, I’d be happy to help!

Here’s a comprehensive ⁢and SEO-optimized article on the topic ⁣of


The Power of

: Understanding the Most Versatile HTML ⁤Element


element is one of the most widely used and​ versatile‍ elements in ​HTML. It’s ​a generic container element⁢ that ‍allows​ developers to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of

, exploring its uses, benefits, and best practices for effective web development.

What is​ a‍



element is a block-level element that represents a division or a section of ‍a document. It’s a generic container that ⁢can be used to wrap around other elements, providing a way to ⁣group them ⁤together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes. The

element is often referred to as a “DIV box” or “block element.”

Uses of


⁤ element has numerous uses in web development, including:

  1. Layout and Styling:
    ‌ is often used to create layout structures, ‌such as​ headers, footers, navigation​ bars, and content sections. It’s also ⁢used to apply styles, such as borders, backgrounds, and padding, to ​a group of elements.
  2. Semantic⁤ Meaning:
    can be used to provide semantic ⁤meaning to a group of elements, ⁢making it easier for search engines and⁣ screen readers to understand the structure of the page.
  3. JavaScript and Dynamic Content:‍
    is often⁤ used as a container for‌ dynamic content, such as loading animations, ⁣modal windows, and responsive design elements.
  4. Accessibility:
    can be used to improve accessibility by providing a ​way⁤ to group related elements ‍together,‍ making it easier for users with disabilities to navigate the page.

Benefits of


element offers several benefits, including:

  1. Flexibility:
    is ​a highly flexible​ element that can be used in a variety of contexts, making it an essential tool for web developers.
  2. Semantic Meaning:
    provides a way to add semantic meaning to ⁢a group ⁢of elements, ⁢improving the structure‌ and accessibility of the page.
  3. Styling and Layout: ‌
    makes it easy to apply styles and layout to ‌a group of elements, making it a ⁢essential element for responsive design.
  4. Easy to Use:
    is a simple element to use, requiring‍ minimal coding and markup.

Best Practices for‍ Using


is⁢ a versatile element,​ it’s essential to ​use it⁤ responsibly and follow best ⁢practices ‌to avoid abusing its power. Here are some tips ‍to keep in mind:

  1. Use
    Sparingly: Avoid using⁢

    unnecessarily, as it can lead to “div-itis” and make ‌your code harder to maintain.
  2. Use Semantic Elements: When ⁢possible, use semantic elements, such as
    , ⁢

  3. Keep it Simple: Avoid nesting too many
    elements, as it can make your code harder to read⁢ and maintain.
  4. Use ‍CSS Wisely: Use‍ CSS to style and layout your
    elements, rather than relying on inline styles or presentational HTML.



element is a powerful tool ‍in the ‌world of web development, offering a⁤ flexible and versatile way to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. By understanding the uses, benefits, and best practices of

, developers can create more effective, accessible, ‌and maintainable web pages.

What are the main uses of the `

` element in HTML?

I think there’s been a mistake! The article provided is about a controversial judicial reform in Mexico, but the topic you asked me to write about is

, an HTML element.

Here’s a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of



Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


In HTML, the

element is a generic container element used to group other elements together. It is a fundamental building block of HTML documents, allowing developers to structure and style content with ease. In this article, we’ll explore the uses, benefits, and best practices of the


What is the



element is a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line. It is used to group a set of elements together, allowing developers to apply styles, scripts, and semantic meaning to the group as a whole.

Main Uses of the


  1. Content grouping: The
    element is commonly used to group related content together, such as a header, footer, or sidebar.
  2. Styling and layout:
    elements can be styled using CSS to create custom layouts, grids, and designs.
  3. JavaScript interactions:
    elements can be targeted by JavaScript code to create interactive elements, such as accordions, tabs, or modal windows.
  4. Semantic meaning:
    elements can be used to add semantic meaning to a document, such as wrapping a group of related elements together.

Benefits of Using


  1. Flexibility:
    elements can be used to create a wide range of layouts and designs.
  2. Easy styling:
    elements can be styled using CSS, making it easy to customize their appearance.
  3. Accessibility:
    elements can be used to improve accessibility by providing a clear structure to a document.
  4. Semantic meaning:
    elements can add semantic meaning to a document, making it easier for search engines and screen readers to understand.

Best Practices for Using


  1. **Use meaningful class



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