“Teachers are exposed”
“A night out can be organized as part of a multi-day excursion or some other event, such as a prom. There are no clear regulations, no framework. Colleagues are not covered for anything that happens”, he explains to “ET”. Nikiforos Konstantinou, professor and member of the Board of Directors. of OLME.
The Ministry of Education, however, according to information, is working on a modern legal framework for school trips, as it embraces the concerns of teachers.
A few weeks ago, the teachers’ federation called on colleagues not to participate in the multi-day school trips – which are usually organized shortly after Christmas – asking, among other things, for a change in the legal framework, with the aim of protecting accompanying teachers.
Besides, incidents of wild drunkenness on excursions, with large amounts of alcohol by minors, have been recorded in the past. “What we are asking is for there to be a framework for the places a school can visit. Central instructions should be given, it should be included in the internal regulations of each school, parents should also be informed about the framework that is observed in every excursion or event from the afternoon onwards, so that the teacher does not move alone and is unprotected” .
In an informal setting, teachers in case the students go to a tavern or cafe or a shop that is open after the afternoon, are present and are responsible for the supervision of the minors. There is an agreement with the store to explicitly prohibit the provision of alcohol to students, but according to Mr. Konstantinou this is not enough.
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#Concerns #school #trips #Ministry #Education
It looks like you’ve pasted a chunk of JavaScript code related to ad management and script loading on a website. The code contains segments for handling various advertising platforms, such as Google AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and other ad networks. Here’s a brief outline of what the code is doing, as well as some suggestions on potential improvements:
### Code Breakdown
1. **AdSense Slot Removal**:
- The code removes specific AdSense slots for mobile devices based on a condition.
2. **AdSense Slot Handling**:
– It looks for AdSense slots and would typically execute some code for each, although the code within the `forEach` loop is currently empty.
3. **OneSignal Initialization**:
– The OneSignal SDK is initialized with a specific app ID, allowing for push notification capabilities.
4. **Disqus Configuration**:
– Sets up Disqus for comments by defining the URL and identifier for a specific page.
5. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:
– There are multiple instances where `asyncLoadScript` is intended to load additional scripts related to various ad management platforms, but the actual URLs or script sources are not provided in this snippet.
6. **Commented Out Sections**:
– There are also some commented-out blocks for other services (like CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, etc.), which indicates that the code may be a work in progress or adaptable depending on which services are to be used.
7. **Timeouts**:
– Certain actions are delayed with `setTimeout`, which is often used to give the page time to load before executing script injections related to ads.
### Suggestions for Improvement
1. **Complete Script URLs**:
– Make sure to fill in the actual URLs for any scripts you intend to load using `asyncLoadScript`. For instance, where it says `asyncLoadScript(‘`, complete that line with the appropriate script source.
2. **Error Handling**:
– Add error handling to the script loading functions to gracefully handle scenarios where a script fails to load.
3. **Optimize Use of `setTimeout`**:
– Evaluate the need for `setTimeout` delays. If they’re necessary for certain elements to load first, consider using a more robust event-driven approach, such as waiting for the DOM to be fully loaded.
4. **Code Clarity**:
– Clean up any excessive comments, especially those that outline functionality that is not currently enabled (like CleverCore).
5. **Asynchronous Loading**:
– Ensure that your ad slots are being managed efficiently to avoid blocking content rendering; consider loading ads only when they are likely to be viewed.
6. **Maintainability**:
– Use consistent naming conventions for functions and variables, and ensure the code is well-documented to make it easier for others (or yourself in the future) to understand its purpose.
7. **Security**:
– Evaluate any dynamic content loading for potential security vulnerabilities such as XSS (Cross-Site Scripting).
By addressing these points, the provided code can transition towards a more robust solution for handling advertisements and scripts on your website.