Conatra will not allow illegal Haitians to work on routes

The National Confederation of Transport Organizations (Conatra) announced that as of next Monday it will apply sanctions to unions, federations and affiliated transport companies that tolerate undocumented Haitians, or those from other nations, with similar statutes, working on their routes.

The spokesman for the Confederation, Mario Diaz, said that on the transport routes of Greater Santo Domingo and Santiago, the massive presence of Haitians is evident, during the day and at night, working in concho cars.

Likewise, he has described this fact as “painful”, just as the majority of Haitians enter the Dominican Republic illegally “in the eyes of the authorities”, and that union leaders “assume a role of permission that makes them accomplices”.

critics harden

The corridors would have been distributed to businessmen, no tender was made “It is not justified that they be allowed to drive passenger transport vehicles, when they have an irregular immigration status,” added Díaz during a meeting with a political movement chaired by Senator Antonio Marte, in Jarabacoa.

He pointed out that it is a matter of national security, due to the importance of the passenger transport system in any part of the world. “If the passenger transport system is controlled by people from another country, with an illegal immigration status and in an irregular way, then the matter is more serious than imagined.”

Like “lawless goats”

The Conatra spokesman condemned the fact that undocumented Haitians manage to buy a motorcycle without any type of permit, document or regulation and that, in addition, they have access to rent the vehicles of the concho, turning this business into a practice that threatens security. country national.

“The authorities must retake control of the people who work on public passenger transport routes and on motorcycle routes because we reiterate, this is a national security issue and this situation must be controlled to avoid further problems for the country. ”

Mario Diaz called on the military and police authorities to provide more security on passenger transport routes, mainly at night and in the early morning hours, following pondering the fact that at that time the police presence is “practically null ” on the main roads of Greater Santo Domingo.

The effects

According to experts on migration issues, the phenomenon of Haitian immigration affects the wages of Dominican workers, displaces Creole labor, raises the degree of income inequality in the country, that is, increases the remuneration of capital and labor of skilled labor, reduces the labor income of workers less.



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