School of Architecture steps in with posters and flowers to remember Catalina Gutierrez and plead for justice

2024-07-30 01:37:05

“Cata should be here,” reads a sign taped to a chair at the School of Architecture at the National University of Córdoba. Classes begin after exams this Monday, nearly two weeks after a student at the institution committed a crime.

“We are missing a partner”, “Love doesn’t kill, patriarchy does”, “Have you talked to your friends about Katarina’s femicide?” Other posters were posted in different parts of the institution : Facades, corridors, in bathrooms and classrooms.

UNC School of Architecture puts up posters about the Catalina femicide. (Pedro Castillo/The Voice)

The uproar among students and teachers was intense because Katarina was not only a student of this higher education institute, but also the main suspect in the femicide, Katarina’s classmate and boyfriend Nestos Aguila El Soto.

Catalina Gutierrez.  The architecture student's murder shocked the college's student body.

from organization Fadi Feminist Collective They explained the significance of the initiative: “We believe it is important that as a community we can pause in our daily lives and reflect on what is happening, rather than just stand on the sidelines.”

UNC School of Architecture puts up posters about the Catalina femicide.  (Pedro Castillo/The Voice)UNC School of Architecture puts up posters about the Catalina femicide. (Pedro Castillo/The Voice)

They added: “There is a necessary and urgent need to discuss this issue that we all face, which is why we are inviting the whole community to get involved to consider actions that will enable us to address gender issues at our universities.”

UNC School of Architecture puts up posters about the Catalina femicide.  (Pedro Castillo/The Voice)UNC School of Architecture puts up posters about the Catalina femicide. (Pedro Castillo/The Voice)

#School #Architecture #steps #posters #flowers #remember #Catalina #Gutierrez #plead #justice



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