Compulsive throat clearing • What helps against the foreign body sensation?

Compulsive coughing due to a feeling of dryness or a foreign body in the throat is referred to as compulsive coughing. There is often an organic cause, but in some cases clearing the throat becomes a habit. Stress and anxiety can also be triggers.

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What does forced throat mean?

Clearing your throat is a physiological reflex triggered by the sensation of having a foreign object – such as mucus, a hair, or a crumb – in your throat. In order to eliminate this, the glottis between the vocal folds is first closed by the vocal cords and then blown open again with high air pressure from the chest. This is to get the foreign body out. If the urge to do so is very frequent and over a longer period of time, experts speak of a compulsion to clear your throat. It is counted among the functional voice disorders (dysphonia).

Anyone who suffers from it over a longer period of time should have the causes clarified in an ENT doctor’s office. Because in the long run, the larynx, vocal cords and mucous membranes suffer from constant clearing of the throat. For protection, the body produces more mucus, which triggers further clearing of the throat – a vicious circle begins. The compulsion to clear your throat can be accompanied by a compulsion to swallow.

What helps with coughing?

There is an organic cause such as a respiratory infection that reflux disease or an enlarged thyroid gland behind the compulsive cough, treating the underlying condition usually resolves the compulsion.

If the compulsive clearing of the throat is triggered by improper use of the speech apparatus, speech therapy treatment indicated: Those affected learn to use their voice as stress-free as possible. If stress, anxiety or other psychological reasons are responsible for the compulsion to clear your throat, a psychotherapy or learning relaxation techniques.

It is also important to avoid the triggering factors such as allergens, alcohol, nicotine, dust or chemicals. To keep the mucous membranes moist, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, suck on sugar- and menthol-free candies and use humidifiers in winter. This provides many patients with relief from their symptoms.

Course and prognosis in compulsive throat clearing

If there is an organic cause for the urge to clear your throat, it will disappear in most cases after the cause has been successfully treated and the voice is then rested. If the compulsion to clear your throat has taken on a life of its own, it should definitely be treated with logotherapy or psychotherapy, otherwise it can permanently damage the voice.

Causes of compulsive coughing

The causes of compulsive throat clearing are varied:

  • Overuse: Often there is an incorrect or excessive strain behind the compulsion to clear your throat. Anyone who talks a lot and/or very loudly overwhelms their speaking organs in the long run – this is the case, for example, with teachers or singers.

  • foreign body sensation: In some cases there is actually a foreign body in the throat, but a tumor or an enlarged thyroid gland can also cause a sensation lump in throat trigger.

  • sore throat: In the case of allergies and inflammation in the throat, the body reacts with increased mucus production – this can also be the trigger for a compulsive cough.

  • Pollutants: And those who have frequent contact with certain harmful substances (such as alcohol, nicotine, dust or chemicals) are also often affected. These cause irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

  • Postnasal-Drip-Syndrom: Another possible cause of compulsive coughing is postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS), which results from a simple Sniffles can develop: The nasal and frontal cavities become inflamed, the mucus that flows out irritates the throat and larynx and triggers the throat to be cleared.

  • chronic heartburn: Reflux disease can also trigger the urge to clear your throat. Stomach acid rises through the esophagus to the throat and irritates the mucous membranes there.

  • cysts: A fluid-filled cyst may form on the vocal folds, causing the symptom.

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If no organic cause can be found for the urge to clear your throat, there are often psychological causes behind it: Those who suffer from stress or anxiety tense the muscles of the larynx, throat and/or jaw, which can lead to problems with the vocal cords. In some cases, following an infection, clearing your throat has simply taken its course and become a self-reinforcing habit.

Typical symptoms of compulsive coughing

Those affected suffer from the permanent feeling of having a foreign object in their throat (globe syndrome) and the urge to clear it by clearing their throat. In some cases, a feeling of dryness, pressure or lumps is described, others complain of irritation of the mucous membrane or mucus in the throat. In some cases, coughing and/or shortness of breath on.

The constant clearing of the throat irritates the larynx, vocal cords and the pharyngeal mucosa, which often triggers a renewed urge to clear the throat hoarseness leads.

Diagnosis of compulsive coughing

In order to be able to treat the compulsive cough appropriately, the specific cause must be found. For this purpose, a detailed discussion is first held in the doctor’s practice, in which the specific complaints, contact with substances that irritate the mucous membranes and the use of the voice in everyday life are asked (anamnese). The doctor also gets an impression of the voice of the person concerned.

The larynx, trachea and esophagus are then examined using rigid and flexible endoscopes. In this way it can be determined whether foreign bodies are actually present or whether organic causes such as inflammation or reflux disease are responsible for the urge to clear your throat. There is a suspicion of a Allergiesan allergy test is also carried out.

Can you prevent compulsive coughing?

A healthy lifestyle and diet helps to avoid colds and stress. Dry mucous membranes can be prevented by drinking enough water, lozenges and humidifiers. If allergies are known, the allergy triggers should be avoided; the same applies to alcohol, nicotine, dust and chemicals that irritate the mucous membranes.

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