2023-06-23 16:10:00
“Sexual and Reproductive Rights have no borders!”. That is the premise under which, this Saturday, June 24, the so-called ‘Great day of comprehensive health care services for the migrant population’ will be held at the Profamilia Clinic in Cartagena.
From 7:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the followingnoon, migrants of all ages can attend this day, free of charge with prior registration.
General medicine, psychology, family planning (implants, pills, injectables), family planning advice, rapid tests, cytology and HPV typing, gynecology and gynecological ultrasound services will be available.
Regarding the motivations for this conference, Angélica Liévano, director of the Profamilia Cartagena Clinic, stated: “From Profamilia our goal is to contribute to the reduction of access barriers and the inequality gaps that exist in the country, in terms of sexual rights and reproductive rights, which includes working for the migrant and refugee population in Colombia to access these services”.
Those interested in registering and accessing health services can do so at the link https://forms.office.com/r/T1xV0sqWGp or in the following QR code.
#Saturday #free #health #services #migrant #population #UNIVERSAL