2024-04-12 11:09:54
Kaup-Hasler: The City of Vienna secures cultural work spaces and guarantees the autonomy of the independent scene
Vienna (OTS) – The Wiener Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus (WUK) was renovated from 2021 to 2024 and the construction work was recently successfully completed. The first general repair of the building, which was built in 1855, makes the house on Währinger Straße fit for the future for the next generations. It brought regarding a sustainable renovation of around 12,000 m2 and the renewal of the building technology to the latest standards. Of central importance were the creation of accessibility and measures in the area of greening.
At the invitation of the WUK and the client of the general renovation, the City of Vienna – Construction and Building Management (MA 34), a ceremony was held on April 12, 2024 at the WUK in the presence of the Vienna city councilor Veronica Kaup-Hasler, representing Mr Mayor Michael Ludwig, and Peter Hacker, district leader Saya Ahmad as well as representatives of project planning and executing companies celebrated the completion of the renovation work together.
Mayor Ludwig: Strengthening the cultural heartbeat
“The renovation of the WUK not only means renovating a building, but also strengthening the cultural heartbeat of Vienna. It symbolizes the city of Vienna’s appreciation of art as a shared experience and is an investment in the future of a diverse and lively city in which creativity and cohesion can flourish,” explains Vienna’s mayor Michael Ludwig.
Housing Councilor Gaal: Renovation concept secured one of the most diverse cultural centers in Europe
“As a cultural institution, the WUK is an integral part of our city. Many Viennese associate the WUK with unforgettable moments in their lives. The listed Vienna WUK is an important part of Vienna’s cultural history. I am very pleased that the WUK will be preserved as an institution and as one of the most diverse cultural centers in Europe through the comprehensive renovation package that the City of Vienna has put together. “I am all the more pleased that the renovation has now been completed and that the renovated building offers space for numerous diverse and exciting initiatives that give the people of Vienna the opportunity to develop their personalities,” said Vienna’s Vice Mayor and Housing Councilor Kathrin Gaál.
City Councilor for Culture Kaup-Hasler: New chapter in the history of the WUK and new perspectives for the independent scene
“The diversity of cultural creation in all sectors and areas is very important to the city of Vienna. For this reason, we support the WUK, which as a unique cultural center has been making various forms of urban coexistence possible for many years. The independent scene contributes an important part to cultural diversity. The extensive renovation not only opens a new chapter in the history of the WUK, but also new perspectives for the independent scene. As a city, we take on the responsibility of creating good working spaces for culture while at the same time preserving the autonomy of the independent scene. This is the foundation on which participation, solidarity and creativity can grow in Vienna’s cultural landscape,” said Vienna’s City Councilor for Culture Veronica Kaup-Hasler.
Wolfsberger: The charm and diversity of the WUK remains
“The renovation will preserve the WUK with all its charm and diversity as a space for art, culture and social affairs. The WUK is now barrier-free, more ecological, uses the latest technology and is therefore on a good foundation for the next decades,” says Margit Wolfsberger, chairwoman of the WUK association, regarding the support of the City of Vienna and the successful completion of the renovation work.
The focus of the renovation was accessibility and greening
One of the most important achievements of the renovation: three lifts, 44m ramps and the installation of barrier-free toilet facilities make the WUK now largely structurally barrier-free. This barrier-free access to the building will enable greater inclusion and participation of users and visitors in the future, who will now have barrier-free access to WUK KinderKultur events, the Kunsthalle Exnergasse, the Fotogalerie Wien, the schools or the senior rooms. The relocation of an entire staircase in the Severin wing so that one of the lifts might be built was one of the most spectacular works in the entire renovation process.
The implementation of ecological measures is also particularly important for the WUK. This includes the insulation of the top floor ceilings, the renovation of 419 windows, the construction of 285 m2 of green roofs, the replacement of lighting fixtures and the use of 500 LED lighting systems, which enable savings of 44,000 kWh per year, as well as a photovoltaic system on the roof, which will be installed in the future Covers 30% of your own electricity needs. Particular attention was paid to the well-known and popular 2,000 m2 facade greening in the WUK: The wild wine was removed by professionals as part of the facade restoration, packed up and then reinstalled. The plants survived this well and have already grown strong once more.
Further improvements to the rooms for the public and house users include a new ventilation system with a dry cooler in the large event hall, which exchanges 15,000 m3 of old air for fresh air per hour, 230 new or renovated doors, of which 165 are fire doors, the renewal of the electrical and heating systems. and sanitary facilities, the renovation of the toilet facilities and new areas for consumption-free relaxation.
“Gold” discovery as a surprise: beaten metal stucco in the building owner Sigl’s living quarters
A nice surprise was the “gold” discovery in the former living quarters of Georg Sigl, builder and factory owner of the locomotive factory in 1855. The so-called museum rooms today are primarily the venue for WUK Children’s Culture. During the renovation work, gold suddenly flashed through the cracks and many layers of paint on the ceiling. The WUK decided to expose and restore the so-called impact metal stucco, an imitation of gold, and called in the Federal Monuments Office for consultations. This supported and promoted the restoration work, which not only affects the ceiling with the golden stucco and colored ornaments, but also the walls (reconstruction of the original color), the wooden paneling and window elements in this area. The restorers also took care of the most feudal staircase in the WUK with its marble elements and paintings.
Zimmel: Cultural history in harmony with modernization
“I am pleased that this fundamental renovation project has succeeded in reconciling the special features of a building of cultural and historical value with the current needs of an innovative cultural center. This creates the basis for many more great cultural activities in the coming decades,” says Klaus Zimmel, Head of the City of Vienna – Construction and Building Management.
More information on the restructuring process, financial aspects and the handover of management from Abbrederis to Steinwendtner and Trauner:
Questions & Contact:
Hanna Sohm
Head of Communications
WUK workshop and cultural center
M +43-6991-401 21 44
[email protected]
Peter Kovacs
Head of property management
City of Vienna – Construction and Building Management (MA 34)
M +43-676-8118 34611
[email protected]
Philipp Stoisits
Media spokesperson StRin Mag.a Veronica Kaup-Hasler
+43 1 4000 81175
[email protected]
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