Complete List of Agenda for the Annual Meeting on August 16, 2024

The 2023 MPR DPR DPD annual session. (Doc. Antara)

THE People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) will hold an annual session and a joint session of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) on Friday, August 16, 2024. The event will be attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Vice President (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin, and the leaders of high state institutions.

MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet said the format of the 2024 MPR Annual Session was still held as in previous years. He said that through the session the people could hear and find out what had been carried out by various state institutions and also the presidential institution over the past year.

“So that it can realize transparency and accountability while maturing our democracy. At the same time, it can be used as an arena for state institutions and the presidency to show off their achievements to the people,” said Bamsoet as quoted in a written statement on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

After the annual session, it was continued with the Plenary Session of the Indonesian House of Representatives on the 2025 Draft State Budget.

The following is a complete list of the agenda for the MPR annual session and the joint session of the DPR and DPD:

09.30 – 09.35 National Anthem of Indonesia Raya
09.35 – 09.38 Minute of Silence led by the Chairman of the MPR
09.38 – 09.58 Opening of the 2024 MPR Annual Session and Joint Session of the DPR and DPD as well as the Introductory Speech of the 2024 MPR Annual Session by the MPR Chairman
09.58 – 10.18 Introductory Speech of the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD by the Chairman of the DPR
10.18 – 11.03 Speech of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Submission of Performance Reports of State Institutions and the State Address of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the context of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
11.03 – 11.06 The Speaker of the DPR continues the MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD
11.06 – 11.13 Regional Song Performance
11.13 – 11.18 Prayer Reading
11.18 – 11.23 Closing of the MPR Annual Session and Joint Session of the DPR and DPD by the DPR Chairman
11.23 – 11.28 National Anthem of Indonesia Raya
11.28 The MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD RI have finished

Next, the agenda of the DPR RI Plenary Session on the 2025 Draft State Budget:

13.30 – 13.35 National Anthem of Indonesia Raya
13.35 – 13.50 Opening Speech of Session I of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2024-2025 Session Year by the Speaker of the House of Representatives
13.50 – 14.35 Speech by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the context of the Delivery of the Introduction/Government Statement on the Bill on the 2025 Fiscal Year State Budget and its Financial Note
14.35 – 14.50 – Submission of the Bill on the 2025 Fiscal Year State Budget and the Financial Note along with Supporting Documents from the President of the Republic of Indonesia to the Speaker of the DPR, and continued with the Submission of the Bill on the 2025 Fiscal Year State Budget and the Financial Note along with Supporting Documents, as well as a Letter of Request for Consideration from the Speaker of the DPR to the Speaker of the DPD
– Signing of the Minutes of Submission of the Bill on the 2025 Fiscal Year State Budget by the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives and the President of the Republic of Indonesia
– Signing of the Minutes of Submission of the Bill on the State Budget along with a Letter of Request for Consideration from the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives to the Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council
14.50 – 14.57 Prayer Reading
14.57 – 15.02 Closing of the RAPBN Plenary Session by the Chairman of the DPR
15.02 – 15.07 National Anthem of Indonesia Raya
15.07 DPR RI Plenary Session on the Draft State Budget is complete


#Complete #List #Agenda #Annual #Meeting #August



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