Complete Guide to Obtaining Spanish Nationality in 2023: Requirements, Process, and Benefits

2023-08-23 12:09:00

The process of obtaining Spanish nationality can open new doors and opportunities in your life. If you are contemplating taking this important step in 2023, it is crucial to know how to process this document. That is why in this note we will tell you regarding the ways for a foreigner to have this condition; among other information that you should know regarding the subject.


Obtaining Spanish citizenship is an achievement to which you have access and which gives you the opportunity to reside indefinitely in Spain. In addition, this condition is accompanied by certain privileges, such as the right to vote and freedom of movement and work throughout the European Union. The most common way to acquire Spanish nationality is through birthright. If you were born in Spain and your parents hold Spanish citizenship, at birth you automatically obtain the country’s nationality.

However, the Civil Code contemplates other ways that allow foreigners to obtain Spanish citizenship. In this way, it must be taken into account that there are four main modalities to acquire Spanish nationality:

For having resided for a sufficient period of time on Spanish soil (citizenship by residence). When marrying a Spanish citizen (citizenship by marriage). For being a descendant or grandson of a Spanish citizen (citizenship by descent). Through your children (citizenship by option).


Spanish nationality is the legal and political bond that unites a person with the Spanish State. It grants individuals a series of rights and duties, as well as the recognition of belonging to the Spanish community. Spanish nationality is acquired in different ways, such as birth in Spanish territory, filiation of Spanish parents or legal and continuous residence in Spain for a certain period.

One of the most important rights conferred by Spanish nationality is the right to identity and to be recognized as a Spanish citizen, which implies access to public services, participation in the political system and protection by the Spanish State. In addition, Spanish citizens have the right to free movement and residence within the European Union, as well as consular protection abroad.

Spanish nationality also implies certain duties, such as compliance with the laws and regulations of the Spanish State, as well as respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens. In addition, Spanish citizens have the responsibility to contribute to the development and well-being of Spanish society through their actions and civic participation.


Having dual nationality implies that a person is legally recognized as a citizen of two different countries. This means that the person has the rights and obligations of both nationalities and can benefit from the privileges that each country grants to its citizens. Dual nationality can be acquired in different ways, such as by birth in one country and descent from parents of another nationality, or through naturalization in one country while maintaining the nationality of origin.

One of the main advantages of having dual nationality is the possibility of enjoying the rights and benefits that each country provides. This may include access to public services, participation in elections, and diplomatic protection in both countries. In addition, dual citizenship allows people to live, work, and study in either country without visa or immigration restrictions.

However, it is also important to note that dual nationality carries responsibilities and obligations in both countries. This may include compliance with the laws and regulations of each country, as well as the payment of taxes and military service if applicable. It is essential that dual nationals are aware of the laws and requirements of both countries to ensure compliance with their legal obligations.


Spanish nationality entails a series of benefits and rights for those who possess it. Firstly, Spanish citizens have the right to the full protection of the Spanish State, which implies access to quality public services, such as education, health and social security. In addition, they have the right to participate in the Spanish political system, such as voting in elections and standing as candidates for public office.

Another important benefit is the free movement and residence in the territory of Spain and in other countries of the European Union. As citizens of the European Union, Spaniards can live, work and study in any Member State without visa restrictions or work permits. This provides extensive employment and education opportunities throughout the European Union.

Spanish citizens also enjoy the consular protection of the Spanish State when they are abroad. Spanish consulates can provide assistance and protection in cases of emergencies, loss of documents, repatriation and other legal or administrative problems. This consular network is invaluable for Spanish citizens traveling or residing abroad.

Finally, having Spanish nationality provides a sense of belonging and connection to the culture and history of Spain. Spanish citizens can participate in local festivities and traditions, access scholarships and cultural programs, and enjoy the richness of Spain’s historical and artistic heritage. Spanish nationality represents a shared identity and a bond with the Spanish community.

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