By the age of 23, the star of the show, Andrei Malakhov, has acquired not only high-profile scandalous fame, but also addictions. The girl admitted that she suffered from drug addiction. Recently, Diana Shurygina opened a paid Telegram channel, where she posts candid shots. She demonstrates same-sex love with her girlfriend and, apparently, is not going to change anything in her life. The psychologist, in an interview with Express Gazeta, issued a verdict to the girl.
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Aida Osmanova stated that Diana Shurygina might go to study and get a good profession and a place in life. “To go a different way, and not the one she chose for herself. And it doesn’t matter what they said regarding her on the show, what she went through, how her name was rinsed. She had a different opinion regarding herself. She perceives herself as a publicized, well-known person who has the right to judge and give out certain opinions,” the expert noted.
“Diana lacks internal correction, morality. There is a complete degradation of personality, the disintegration of personality in general. She might have a good family life, she married a good man, the operator of Channel One. But they got divorced. Shurygina might become a normal cell of society, and everyone would eventually forget that she was a victim of violence, ”said the psychologist.
At the same time, she stated that the girl was absolutely not like the victim. The specialist believes that this is the fault of Diana’s parents. “Everything is laid for a child up to seven years. They laid the daughter of complete debauchery, lack of morality, there were drugs in her life, from which she is still being treated. Unfortunately, there are very few former drug addicts. This girl, by her age, has tried everything, from violence, sex in different performances to prohibited substances, ”Osmanova said.
According to her, Shurygina had a chance to start a good life, restore herself and her name, but she did not take advantage of this. The psychologist is sure that Diana has become a star, she was dizzy from success.
“It doesn’t matter that the success was with a huge minus sign. Popularity matters to her. Now Diana is a person who does not understand what is happening around her, with her, who does not distinguish what is good and what is bad, ”said the specialist.
Osmanova predicted an unenviable future for the girl. “What awaits her with such a lifestyle? Unfortunately, nothing good. Now she has her own pornographic Telegram channel. Unfortunately, this girl has no good future. After all the releases of the show, harassment, she did everything consciously. Shurygina might rethink everything, reassess herself, but she did not do this, she did not want to. Diana understood that the more bad she was, the more attention she would attract. Good fame goes far, bad fame goes even further. She chose the second option,” says the psychologist.
According to the expert, Shurygina likes this lifestyle. “If she does, in general, rethink her life, values, get rid of drug addiction, get married, start a family, then everything will be forgotten. And if not, then she will have drugs and the glory of a porn star. But youth passes, and all this is not for long, ”summed up Osmanova.
Formerly Diana Shurygina said that she discovered her passion for girls. She is no longer going to marry, because she realized that she likes living with her friend much more.
Photo source: Telegram