Complaints are pouring in against the Neuquén Judicial Council

2023-12-13 03:15:00

The decision of the majority of the Neuquén Judicial Council to declare a contest to select two prosecutors for the case unsuccessful generated more complaints. The participant requested reconsideration of the measure, and the Association of Magistrates and Officials joined the complaint..

The Council had its plenary meeting this Tuesday, but the topic was not even mentioned. According to reports, the members of the organization They talked in private meetings on the strategy to face criticism. There would be no unanimity of criteriaand so far no official statements have been made.

As reported by the newspaper RÍO NEGRO, the contest to elect two prosecutors for the case was declared – by majority – unsuccessful, among other reasons because the applicant who completed the three stages of the process would not meet “the profile” sought for the position.

The first to ask that the decision be reconsidered, which he described as “without motivation and, therefore, without legal and constitutional validity» was Attorney General José Gerez. This Tuesday the interested parties themselves, Julieta González Schlachet and Bruno Miciullo, did separate notes sent to the president of the Council, also a member of the Superior Court of Justice Gustavo Mazieres.

An act of government without motivation

With different wording but similar meaning, the notes indicated that the rejection of the contestants is not motivated, as required for government acts.

González Schlachet and Miciullo said that they were rejected “for not meeting the ‘attitudinal profile’ necessary to fill any of the positions being competed for, without expressing what specific reproach is being made; without contrasting the profile with the background, history in the competition or specific answers that in the personal interview could have been worthy of questioning by the plenary session.

“It was also said that none of the applicants managed to satisfy the ‘necessary and required expectations’ to occupy the position, without explaining what those expectations are or what aspect of my profile is not satisfactory to the Council”.

Future uncertainty

For all these reasons, “the above aggravates me not only in relation to the present competition, but also in future instances in which I decide to compete, since It prevents me from knowing what improvement is intended for me.; “What should I strengthen myself in, and how in the future I will be able to satisfy the Council’s expectations, which are never described or manifested.”

The specific claim is that the agreed upon be revoked through which it was decided to declare the contest void, they are assigned the corresponding score for the personal interview, and the corresponding order of merit is made.

The Association of Magistrates joins the claim

At the same time, the Association of Magistrates and Officials joined the request through a note signed by its president, Judge Patricia Lupica Cristo.

«I understand that the agreement (that declared the contest failed) has an apparent foundationbecause it is not explained what the attitudinal requirements that the applicants would lack are. It is worth noting that these requirements are not made explicit by the Provincial Constitution, nor by law 2533 (of the Council of the Judiciary).so a minimum motivation in this regard is reasonable and required, especially if the determining role assigned to them is taken into account.

AMyFN adds that “this justification would not only be relevant for those who are seeing their chances in this contest frustrated, but also for those who intend to apply in the future”.

#Complaints #pouring #Neuquén #Judicial #Council

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