Competition: we tasted the wines of Île-de-France

2023-09-30 10:57:51

The Parisian Île-de-France wine competition, 2nd edition! Five years ago, our newspaper embarked on the adventure of a “real” competition in a region better known for its traffic jams than for its vine plants. The specialists even wondered what we were going to do in this mess. Thanks to our partner, The French Wine Review, a key and recognized player in the wine world, we managed to bring together a team of professionals. No question of amateurism in a world that is very particular about standards and regulations. The wine from Saint-Prix (Val-d’Oise) in red and that from Suresnes (Hauts-de-Seine) in white were the big winners of this first edition.

#Competition #tasted #wines #ÎledeFrance

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