Competition for the amulet and gold card in “Asia Express”. Who won an important privilege?

Competition for the amulet and gold card in “Asia Express”. Who won an important privilege?

In the latest episode of the fourth season of “Asia Express”, the three fastest couples competed for valuable prizes – an amulet and a gold card. The competition was fierce, and the task that the participants had to complete required not only cunning, but also precision. Who ultimately emerged victorious from this confrontation? Wiktor Dyduła and Ania Chrzanowska showed that in this edition they will be serious rivals!

Asia Express: Wiktor Dyduła

First fight for the amulet

In the fourth season “Asia Expresss” emotions reach their peak, and from the very first episode the participants of the program have to face difficult challenges that require both cunning and excellent cooperation. In one of the key moments of the program, the three fastest couples had a chance to win an amulet and a gold card, which may prove decisive in the further fight for victory.

The following people stood to fight for these valuable prizes: Piotr and Agnieszka Głowacki, Marta Wiśniewska with her daughter Fabienne and Wiktor Dyduła with his sister Anna Chrzanowska. Each of these pairs showed incredible determination to win the first fight for the amulet and the gold card.

Asia Express: Marta and Fabienne Wisniewski

The task of the participants was to collect as many coconuts marked with the color of their team from the river as possible, and then aim them at the designated target. The task required not only dexterity from the participants, but also great cooperation and precision. Each pair had as many throws at their disposal as coconuts they managed to fish out of the water.

Piotr and Agnieszka Głowacki, who were the first to complete the previous task, caught 12 coconuts, which gave them the most throws to use. Wiktor Dyduła and his sister Ania Chrzanowska caught 11, which also put them in a very good position to fight for victory. Marta Wiśniewska and her daughter Fabienne managed to collect 7 coconuts, which meant they had the fewest throws to make, but they were not going to give up.

During the next rounds of throwing coconuts at the target, emotions reached their peak. Each throw could decide who would emerge victorious from this competition. Piotr and Agnieszka Głowacki, despite having the most throws, were not able to use this advantage to the fullest. Although they hit several times, it was not enough to tip the scales of victory in their favor.

Marta and Fabienne, despite having fewer throws, showed precision, scoring several points. However, this Wiktor Dyduła and Ania Chrzanowska, thanks to their perfect synchronization and focus, won this exciting competition. Their accurate throws earned them the coveted amulet and a golden card, which may prove crucial in the rest of the race.

Asia Express – what awaits us in season 4?

The fourth season of “Asia Express” surprises viewers with fierce competition, and the participants prove that they are ready for anything to achieve success. Wiktor Dyduła and Ania Chrzanowska showed from the very beginning that they are a strong duo to be reckoned with. Their victory in the fight for the amulet and the golden card is just the beginning, and there are many more exciting episodes ahead of us, which will surely bring more surprises.

Asia Express: Get to know the story of Piotr and Agnieszka Głowacki

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What challenges await the participants in the next episodes? Which pair will be able to maintain their pace and ultimately win this exciting journey through the Philippines and Taiwan? One thing is certain – a harmonious duet and strategic decisions will be the key to success!

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