“Competition Council’s Stand Against Abusive Online Payment Practices in Morocco: The Impact on Consumers and the Digital Economy”

2023-05-16 17:08:14

The Competition Council has noted that certain companies operating in different sectors of economic activity and using the service of online payment of their invoices via the Internet, have their customers bear the cost of this service in addition to the invoice to be paid, while they take full advantage of it by significantly reducing their operating and investment costs related to the collection of these invoices.

The Competition Council considers that this practice, which is not economically justified, is abusive and could distort the free play of competition on the markets concerned by providing undue advantages to certain operators, allowing them to strengthen their positions on the said markets and this, at the detriment of consumers.

In addition, this practice, which burdens the purchasing power of consumers, has the effect of slowing down and hindering the development and growth of the digitization of our economy, and is thus at odds with the national strategy for the digital development in Morocco.

Also, the Council encourages these companies to review their practices in this area and reserves the right to initiate proceedings against companies that persist in this practice that is detrimental to the development of competition in the digital markets of our economy.

#warning #Competition #Council

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