Compensation should be provided to farmers who have suffered crop damage.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 12:45 AM IST
Muriat: Loss to farmers whose crops have been destroyed during the year. Kerala Farmers Association Muriat Mekhala Samme that Riharam should be allowed Lanam requested the government through the resolution. Muriat, an agricultural sector, has suffered a huge financial loss. Sugar is caused by seasonal damage. Muriyad Mekhala Samme said that they should be given compensation and help. Lanam requested through resolution. Karshaksangam Sammelan Area President T.S. Sajivan inaugurated.
K.A. Manoharan presided. T.M. Mohanan, M.B. Raghavan, M.N. Nanpeesan also gave a speech. Adv. Manoharan – President, Nanpeesan – Secretary, Vatsan – Treasurer. Chosen.