Compensar closes a year full of contributions to integral well-being | More Content

A few days before the end of 2022, there are many lessons learned and deep reflections derived from a constantly changing world environment, which demands from all fronts, a collective gaze determined to contribute, to listen to the difference, to build on what has already been built. propose new ways to face the challenges that the future holds.

In the midst of this scenario, family compensation funds, since their inception more than 65 years ago, have established themselves as the social arm of companies, and as administrators of their contributions, through joint work, have contributed to raising the quality of life of millions of people, particularly those with lower incomes.

Currently, more than 10.5 million workers are affiliated with a family compensation fund, which, by extending the benefits to their family nucleus, reaches total coverage that is in the order of 21 million beneficiaries, in other words, more than 43 % of the Colombian population according to the last Dane census.

With regard to Compensar, one of the youngest and most dynamic savings banks in the country that recently turned 44, faithful to its purpose of social transformation, continues to add wills to extend its network of benefits to an increasingly broad population, in order to that everyone, without exception, have the same abilities to face life’s challenges.

This was expressed by Carlos Mauricio Vásquez Páez, general director of the entity, when affirming that “Our main letter of introduction is to continue demonstrating, through excellent management, the important role we play, not only as a bank, EPS, university or employment agency, but as a platform for comprehensive well-being solutions, which through our different services and alliances on different fronts, benefits people, families, companies and the community in general, joining efforts with various actors to contribute more and more to the social transformation of our country”.

This is how, at the end of 2022, Compensar presents a very positive balance, and ends the year with more than 79 million activities carried out between cash and health, product of the trust of its more than 102,000 employers and nearly 2,850,000 affiliates. , between workers and beneficiaries, (85% of them in categories A and B) leading the sector of compensation funds with a market share of 42%. An achievement that strengthens their commitment, expressed, among others, with the following results.

Powering the dreams of families

More than 7,700,000 subsidy installments delivered, in the housing, monetary and educational modalities for more than $1 billion, with an increase of 15% compared to the previous year, thus evidencing significant support for lower-income households, those that add up to 2,100 families that became new homeowners. In addition, around $507,000 million allocated to the awarding of nearly 168,000 responsible loans, 89% of them corresponding to members in categories A and B, not to mention the more than 663,900 members who received discounts for the purchase of basic products from the family basket, for close to $5.200 million.

On the other hand, as a way of contributing to the promotion of employment in the country, Compensar helped to place around 68,000 people in Colombian companies and 230 more (from August to December) in jobs in Canada, Germany and Panama. , thanks to the management of its Employment and Business Development Agency, the first agency of a compensation fund with a transnational scope. To which is added the support for micro, small and medium-sized companies, with the Mipyme Territory project, through which more than 700 productive units have received support this year in different services, strengthening their competitiveness, among others, through the participation in 6 rounds of business with sales expectations of $600 billion.

More health, more well-being

In health, Compensar closed the year with a 7.9% share in the national market and occupying first place in Bogotá, in addition, with 2,110,000 affiliates to the Health Benefits Plan and 279,000 affiliates to the Complementary Plan, registering growth of 8.9 and 5.5% respectively, compared to 2021.

Additionally, as part of the permanent commitment of this entity and aware that health has a favorable impact on the integral well-being of people, during 2022 it carried out more than 60,883,000 activities, and made 287,000 telemedicine consultations; it also attended 988,000 medical and dental emergencies, benefited 1,434,966 people with 2,184,000 Promotion and Prevention activities and dispensed 24,376,000 medications.

Regarding the development of infrastructure, which undoubtedly also has an impact on the well-being of individuals, Compensar continues to advance in the design of innovative venues, spaces and environments, thus reaching people of all ages in different places. For example, the Centro Mayor Integral Wellness Center, located south of Bogotá, a unique venue in Latin America that integrates recreational, sports, leisure and health activities in the same place; The opening of the Permanence Center for the Elderly in Fusagasugá is also noteworthy, with more than 2,000 people cared for in day trips and 14 in the permanence modality; And of course, the construction of the new Campus of the Compensar University Foundation (opening in 2025) is notable, which is expected to benefit regarding 43,300 people in formal, non-formal and vocational education and 4,300 companies in business consulting and training.

Along these same lines, as part of its health expansion process, aimed at providing more and better services to the community, in 2022 the opening of two new neuroscience offices stands out, in alliance with the Clínica Universidad de la Sheet. In addition, its first Women’s Health Center, a Center for Specialists in alliance with the Women’s Clinic, a Diagnostic Imaging Center for the Complementary Plan, as well as the opening of a health unit in Ubaté and its second health unit in Cucuta.

With this scenario, the relevance of family compensation funds, and in particular Compensar, as a comprehensive welfare platform, is increasingly evident in the social agenda, ratifying with facts the pact that gave rise to the system, whose purpose continues to be benefit lower-income workers and families, thus contributing to the construction of the social fabric and equitable access to opportunities. This is why, in the words of Carlos Mauricio Vásquez, general director of the entity, “We will continue to strengthen our ability to articulate efforts to help meet many needs, because despite the achievements, it is clear that there is still more to do. For this reason, we will continue working hand in hand with affiliated companies and workers, with collaborators and their families, allies and suppliers, and the different sectors that, like us, contribute every day to the construction of a healthier, more productive society. and happy.”.

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