2023-09-03 20:26:12
Are your groceries more expensive today than last May? A tool developed by RTSinfo makes it possible to go back in time by comparing the evolution of prices over the past year within the two main food chains in Switzerland.
Long preserved, Switzerland has been overtaken by inflation. Since last May, RTSinfo has been recording the prices of around 100 products from the online stores of Coop and Migros.
Flour, gruyère or yogurts all show increases of more than 10%. For sugar, the increase reaches 40%. On arrival, the difference can be quite salty.
Do the exercise by filling your virtual shopping cart
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The general increase concerns both staple foods and certain processed products. Coca-Cola costs 10% more than last May. The Perfect, the Cenovis or the pack of beers saw their prices soar by 5%.
On September 1, the Federal Statistical Office confirmed a lull. In August, inflation measured on food products reached 4.1% over 12 months. Not totally reassuring statistics: some increases are older than a year. The balance sheet since the spring of 2022 is therefore much more painful, as our calculator shows.
Application developed by Cyrille Gay-Crosier and Cécile Denayrouse
Text: Tybalt Félix
#Measure #inflation #virtual #shopping #carts #rts.ch