Comparing Beer Prices: Discover the Best Value Pints in Europe

2023-07-20 17:14:00

The essential You have to pay an average of 7 euros for a pint in Paris, much more than in Eastern Europe…

If you want to drink a cheap beer, it is better to go to the Czech Republic than to Sweden. Everyone knew that, but did you know that Paris is just behind the Scandinavian capitals in terms of beer prices?

A recent study by the Numbeo site reveals that you have to spend an average of 7 euros in Paris to buy a pint of classic national brand beer. Even London, where life is very expensive, serves cheaper pints in its many pubs.

In front of us, Copenhagen where you have to spend an average of 7.4 euros for a beer and Helskinki where a pint costs 8 euros. Conversely, for cheap toast, choose Budapest (2.1 euros), Prague (2.3 euros), Lisbon (2.5 euros), Madrid (3 euros), Warsaw (3.1 euros) or Berlin (4 euros).

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