Compared to the Miss Awards but being called Uncle Binh Minh, what do you say?

Recently, on the social network TikTok has posted an extremely interesting and funny clip regarding the supermodel actor Binh Minh. He suddenly appeared on the stage of the awards ceremony Green Star as a guest. This time, he is paired with Miss Global Vietnam 2022 Pham Kim Ngan. Due to the large age difference, this queen had a rather polite greeting and address: “Allow Kim Ngan and Uncle Binh Minh to say hello…”.

The supermodel pretends to be angry and has a very witty improvisation.

As soon as he heard this, Binh Minh’s face immediately burst into tears and rebuked him: “Huh? Are you the one who came in?” Being angered by her seniors, Miss Kim Ngan had to correct her words: “Allow Kim Ngan and Mr. Binh Minh to send greetings to the delegates, the artists and the audience”. At this time, Binh Minh just continued: “Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a sign of being honored to return to the stage following many years. Being promoted to “uncle”.

Binh Minh’s humor and wit made the audience applaud him non-stop. Although he has not appeared for a long time, the form of the male supermodel has not dropped. He wears an elegant suit with a handsome face and a friendly smile always on his lips. The image of the handsome man in the audience’s heart once once more revived in the memories of many people.

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