Community Health Event Marks World Diabetes Day in Bakel: 73 People Screened for Diabetes and Hypertension

2023-11-18 19:05:00

Bakel, Nov 18 (APS) – Some 73 people were screened for diabetes and high blood pressure on Saturday in Bakel (Tambacounda, east)) during a day of screening initiated as part of the celebrations of the World Diabetes Day, APS learned from a medical source on site.

“A total of 73 people participated in the screening. The 30 people are known diabetics who came to have their blood sugar levels checked. On the other hand, 25 hypertensive people were screened and nine others had a level of hyperglycemia which requires confirmation at the laboratory level,” explained Aliou Ba, deputy to the chief physician of the Bakel health center.

He came at the end of the screening day organized by local medical authorities and health partners to mark World Diabetes Day.

Mr. Ba reported a “frequent presence” of type 2 diabetes during these consultations.

This consultation and screening day is organized by the NGO Amref Health Africa and the Bakel health district. It will continue until Sunday with a hike, according to the initiators.

The assistant of the NGO Amref in the Tambacounda region, Aly Diacko welcomed this collaboration with the Bakel health district by magnifying the “mass arrival of patients”.

“It was mass screening. This is a first awareness-raising, mobilization and service offering activity carried out with the Bakel health district, said Mr. Diacko. He added that collaboration between the health district and its NGO “will be intensified and reinforced with service offers”.

The NGO Amref Africa thus aims to “support the local health system by strengthening the capacity of actors, upgrading the technical platform, offering training and support in other areas in a very specific way”. .

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