Communications Minister says delays in rehabilitation of Palín-Escuintla Highway are “political” – 2024-07-24 01:58:58

On July 23, the head of the Ministry of communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV), Felix Alvaradoattended a summons with the Communications Commission of the Congress of the republic.

The minister was questioned about the road problems that affects the country in different pointsas the Palin – Escuintla Highway.

Alvarado argued that the problems in the road infrastructure have origin of at least ten years.

“What we are trying to do is change the way the CIV works And that is not only difficult in itselfotherwise we have to do it against all odds. We are the bad guys in the movie before Congressplus the fact that we have enemies inside“, argument.

“I would like to invite you to Let’s think about where that Palin hole comes from. and where does the fact come from that can’t be fixed. We have to look further than just grabbing the Minister of piñataif that is what needs to be done, I will be the party piñata“, the head of the CIV said ironically.

Alvarado assured that since the event occurred sinkhole has not stopped work on the point.

“Today a new one is installed profit and it is settling in and second duct; eventually the hole is going to be coveredWhat happens is that It is not happening with the alacrity and control that we would like. It is being fixed, not in the best waybut with the participation of many actors,” he said.

He also compared what happened in the Palin – Escuintla Highway with the sinkhole in Villa Nueva and with the problems of landslides on the Chimaltenango bypass.

Alvarado said that the difficulties in intervening “easily“The repair of the section is due to administrative and contractual problems and that “he is betting” that the various sectors “realize” that it is urgent to repair the sinkhole and not”outwit the minister and the president”.

He said that two months are enough “completely“to repair the sinkhole. “30 days to open two lanes and another 30 to complete the other two. These are technical times, but what We are living here with delays that have to do with politicswith institutionality and bad faith in the interaction between state organs”.

Regrets CACIF’s position

Regarding a publication of the Cacifin which the Government is requested to speed up the work to repair the sectionMinister Alvarado said spoke out against.

He explained that “two weeks ago” met with representatives of Chambers and they were presented with the “respect and trust”.

“We recognize that They are the economic engine and we We are the Government. We propose to them that we need work together and collaborateThey said they would collaborate and come to an agreement. What did they produce? statement in which they tell the Government how to govern and they don’t do the contribution that they can make as an economic engine“, he pointed.

He said it is “It’s very easy to put everyone in the same bag in each case.but he has had meetings with businessmen and other chambers that are not seen reflected in the statement”.

More than a month after the collapse occurred on the Palín-Escuintla highway, Cacif issued a statement in which it requested President Bernardo Arévalo to instruct the respective entities to expedite actions on the route.

“We urge the President of the Republic to assume leadership and instruct the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV) and other institutions to urgently carry out the actions necessary to reconstruct the highway”reads the message.

They also criticise the fact that after five weeks, the CIV has not presented a concrete work plan or a mechanism through which the necessary support can be provided to the affected business sector.

Other affected sections

Alvarado indicated that, according to the National Coordinator for Disaster Reductionhay 10 thousand risk points in the countrybut the country only has 15 Covial brigades, 14 road zones and the support of the Army Corps of Engineers.

He indicated that at the beginning of the year developed a plan to prevent damage from rain and what happened on the route to the Pacific did not appear as a vulnerable point.

“Se They have the minimum resources to start workingbut the institutional resource is very poor. We received the CIV in weak conditions in terms of personnel available and with the capabilities institutional“, he explained.

#Communications #Minister #delays #rehabilitation #PalínEscuintla #Highway #political



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