2023-06-24 19:00:00
10:00 p.m. Saturday, June 24, 2023
I wrote – Nermin Daifallah
Dry mouth is one of the signs that, if it appears immediately following waking up, indicates that something strange has happened in the body, so we must pay attention to it as soon as it is repeated and noticed.
Dry mouth refers to the salivary glands in your mouth not producing enough saliva to keep your mouth moist.
Dry mouth is often due to side effects of certain medications, aging problems, or radiation therapy for cancer. Dry mouth is rarely due to a disease that directly affects the salivary glands, according to the Mayo Clinic health website.
What does saliva do in the mouth?
Saliva helps prevent tooth decay by neutralizing the acids produced by bacteria, as well as limiting the growth of bacteria and removing food particles.
If your mouth isn’t producing enough saliva, you may start to notice some or all of these signs and symptoms:
Dry mouth and sticky saliva.
The presence of thick and sticky saliva.
Smelly breath.
Difficulty chewing, speaking and swallowing.
Dryness and pain in the throat and hoarseness of the voice.
dryness of the tongue
Things taste changed.
Difficulty installing artificial teeth.
the reasons
Medications: Hundreds of medications, including many over-the-counter medications, can cause dry mouth as a side effect. In addition, some antihistamines, decongestants, muscle relaxants, and pain medications treat depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety.
Age: Many seniors suffer from dry mouth.
Nerve damage: An injury or surgery that damages nerves in the head or neck area can lead to dry mouth.
Some health conditions: Dry mouth can be due to some health conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, fungal infection in the mouth, Alzheimer’s disease, or due to autoimmune diseases.
Smoking and alcohol intake: Drinking alcohol and smoking or chewing tobacco can make dry mouth symptoms worse.
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#Dry #mouth. #appears #immediately #waking #warn