Commission X Reviews Progress of Construction of North Sumatra Sport Center for PON XXI 2024 – 2024-07-15 11:51:39

Illustration of the 2024 PON venue. (ANTARA/FRANSISCO CAROLLIO)

COMMISSION X of the Indonesian House of Representatives directly reviewed the progress of the construction of the North Sumatra Sport Center. The monitoring was carried out in preparation for the 21st National Sports Week (PON) 2024 which will take place in North Sumatra.

Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Abdul Fikri Faqih, said that venue preparation has currently reached 71%, with a target completion in August this year. Although not dealing with technical and infrastructure aspects, Commission X reflected on the incident at Kanjuruhan Stadium some time ago. The incident became an important lesson to pay attention to the security and comfort aspects in the construction of the North Sumatra Sport Center.

“Considering its capacity of 25,750 seats, the Sumut Sport Center is believed to be very suitable for holding PON, especially for the closing ceremony,” said Fikri following directly reviewing the construction site of the Sumut Sport Center in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Friday, (12/7/2024).

The PKS Faction politician also emphasized Commission X’s readiness to help resolve various challenges related to PON, including potential budget and administrative problems. He emphasized the need for a successful PON in terms of sports achievements, positive economic impacts for the community, and transparent administration.

“We hope that the North Sumatra Sport Center will not only be a center for national activities, but can also attract international attention with its classy stadium quality,” he said.

The same thing was also expressed by Member of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Djohar Arifin Husin, who highlighted the importance of stadium security and facilities that must meet international standards, especially the provisions of FIFA. Although the project is not yet fully completed, he is optimistic that the stadium, which is designed to accommodate around 25 thousand spectators, will meet all the requirements set.

In addition, Djohar also highlighted the logistics and traffic issues that need to be considered, considering that the stadium is close to the main road and Kualanamu Airport. “We ask the relevant parties to provide alternative roads so that traffic is not disrupted during the event,” he added.

For information, PON XXI or PON Aceh-Sumut 2024 is scheduled to take place from 8-20 September 2024. Aceh is the location of the opening, precisely at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium arena in Banda Aceh. While the closing is planned at the Sumut Sport Center, Deli Serdang. (DPR/Z-6)

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