Commercial on textile waste puts the Atacama “cemetery of clothes” as a warning | Special

A recent company commercial Electroluxwhich is responsible for manufacturing clothes washers and dryers, launched a campaign against textile contamination, in the registry they warn of the problem with images of “cemetery of clothes” of the Atacama desert.

There are several companies related to the textile industry that have begun a crusade in order to reduce environmental pollution by this type of product. One of the most recent was the Swedish multinational company.

It was at the beginning of September that the appliance manufacturers published one of the videos of their campaign “Break the pattern” (translated as “break the pattern” in Spanish).

The record shows a woman opening a closet while choose clothes to throw awaywhile paying special attention to one of the pieces is that he sees through his window a rain of clothes that affects the entire city.

From there, the path that the clothes follow after being discarded is shown. In one of the last shots that can be seen in the video, a white shirt falls on a mountain of clothes, which is nothing more and nothing less than what is popularly known as a “clothes cemetery” found in the Atacama desert, in Chile.

It is in this part of the record that a message is read on the screen: “On average, clothes are discarded after 10 uses. Most end up in clothing cemeteries like the Atacama desert. The most sustainable clothes are the ones we already have”, they close in the global distribution clip.

Here is the video of the commercial:

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