Commemorations of the bombing of Hiroshima in Japan: “The devastation caused by nuclear weapons can never be repeated”

2023-08-06 10:14:13

“The devastation wrought by nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki can never be repeated,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at a ceremony in Hiroshima.

“Japan, the only nation to have suffered atomic bombings during the war, will continue its efforts for a nuclear-free world,” argued Mr. Kishida, whose family is from Hiroshima.

“The path to this goal is becoming more and more difficult due to the growing divisions within the international community over nuclear disarmament and the nuclear threat from Russia,” he lamented.

“Given this situation, it is all the more important to reinvigorate international momentum towards achieving a nuclear-free world,” he stressed.

During the ceremony, thousands of people, including survivors, relatives, loved ones and foreign dignitaries from 111 countries (a record), prayed for the victims killed or injured in the bombardment and called for peace in the world.

Attendees, mostly dressed in black, prayed silently at 8:15 a.m. (1:15 a.m. Brussels time), when the first nuclear weapon to ever be used in wartime was dropped on Hiroshima.

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