Chillán Viejo has an official candidate for mayor. In a massive ceremony, the creation of the Political Command of the candidate for mayor of Chillán Viejo, Rafael Palavecino Troncozo, was made official.

The event was attended by a broad spectrum of representatives from ruling party groups, including the Christian Democrats, thus consolidating a united front to boost the campaign of the current councillor of the historic commune.

The main objective of the entity will be to organize and direct support activities for the candidate during the legal campaign period leading up to the municipal elections on October 27. Among the agreements reached is the creation of a citizen command, which will be in charge of coordinating the various initiatives and activities that will promote Palavecino Troncozo’s project among the inhabitants of Chillán Viejo.

The candidate expressed his optimism regarding the launch of the political command, highlighting his commitment to the values ​​of renewal and transparency which, according to him, are fundamental to regaining the trust of citizens in their local authorities.

“This constitution of the political command is a tremendous step to strengthen this campaign that is born from the citizens, who demand to regain confidence in their authorities and the renewal of their leaders. We believe that our project represents that Chillán Viejo spirit and, for that reason, we dare to represent the dreams of so many residents of Chillán Viejo,” said Palavecino.