“Comfenalco: Transforming Bolivar through Family Compensation Funds and Social Impact”

2023-04-18 05:00:00

For more than 60 years, family compensation funds have been strategic allies for the public and private sectors, facilitating the construction of a fairer and more prosperous Colombia through the mechanism of income redistribution in a country that has great inequalities at the national level. socioeconomic. Undoubtedly, the management carried out by the 43 savings banks in the country play a fundamental role as executors of public social policies and redistributors of income through social protection funds. These have been complying with their delegation efficiently, reaching a large part of Colombia, promoting sustainable economies, strengthening tourism, sports and culture, creating new sources of employment, among others.

In Bolívar, Comfenalco (Fenalco-Andi Family Compensation Fund) is a strategic ally of companies in strengthening their productivity and is a platform for benefits that contributes to improving the quality of life of workers and their families. As agents of social impact, joining efforts with businessmen, workers and pensioners, they have been contributing in search of a more equitable society with equal opportunities for our people.

With a great impact in different areas such as employment through the Employment Agency and unemployment benefits, business development seeking to strengthen the business fabric, education both training for work with Cedesarrollo, the School City and continuing education, housing through projects and subsidies, culture, social protection, sports, recreation and tourism, access to credit, among others, seeks that the more than 250,000 affiliates and 500,000 beneficiaries have access to these services. Also that they enjoy their recreational venues such as Takurika, Botanical Garden, Hotel Corales de Indias, the Magangué headquarters and the Business Center and different benefits with other establishments with which they have alliances.

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Comfenalco has been contributing to business productivity and social transformation by articulating the different actors, seeking to encourage the growth of a working middle class. Our objective is to continue growing in the different municipalities of Bolívar, to continue increasing our coverage, to continue contributing to economic, social and sustainable development, having an impact on our territory, and that these results are reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, contributing to indicators such as a decrease in poverty, quality education, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, the reduction of inequalities and alliances to achieve the objectives for the well-being of Bolivarians.

*Relationship and Sustainability Manager – Comfenalco

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