Combatting Thermal Renovation Fraud: New Measures and Increasing Controls

2023-11-03 14:09:50

Thermal renovation fraud represents 12% of reports to the organization.

Illustration photo (AFP / FRANCOIS LO PRESTI)

The services of the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) note

a very sharp increase in reports linked to energy renovation

buildings: 11,000 over the whole of 2022, and 17,000 in 2023, just over the first nine months. These complaints do not only relate to elements of fraud, but also to difficulties encountered by consumers.

“Five billion euros devoted to energy renovation whets appetites”

Fraud in the thermal renovation of buildings “represented 4% of all reports in 2022” and has now reached

“12% of reports”

, indicated Thomas Pillot, head of the consumer protection and market regulation department at the DGCCRF, Friday November 3. This progression also reflects a rise in power of the “Signal Conso” platform, launched to allow the general public to report malfunctions of all kinds to the DGCCRF.

The surge in the number of reports calls out to the government, which presented on Friday

a new “plan to combat thermal renovation fraud”.

In total, around 170,000 checks were carried out in 2022, giving rise to administrative or even criminal sanctions. “Five billion euros devoted to energy renovation whets appetites and as we strengthen public aid for this priority policy, we must strengthen the arsenal to fight once morest fraud and guarantee that euros invested are well used,” Thomas Cazenave, Minister Delegate in charge of public accounts, told the press.


There will be

“more than 30% increase in controls

next year”, whether it concerns projects for private housing, businesses or communities, announced the Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher, following a meeting with professionals of the sector at the National Housing Agency (Anah), which manages

the MaPrimeRénov’ system


The annual budget devoted to this support system for owners of thermal strainers wishing to carry out renovation work has been increased by 1.6 billion euros, which will bring it to 5 billion in 2024. The number of controllers the DGCCRF dedicated specifically to this type of dispute and which intervene throughout the pre-contractual phase, aimed at selling the work, will double, going from 25 to 50.

#Thermal #renovation #buildings #number #reports #Fraud #Repression #exploding #p.m



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