2023-07-28 13:31:57
The multiplication of dengue outbreaks in various communes of Martinique confirms the extension and intensification of the circulation of dengue fever in these two departments. Since the beginning of 2023, 250 cases of dengue fever have been confirmed, 30% of them in the last four weeks. The level of vigilance is raised to stage 3 of the dengue PSAGE “epidemic risk”.
Jean-Claude Samyde • Published on July 28, 2023 at 3:31 p.m., updated on July 28, 2023 at 3:44 p.m.
The epidemic phenomena management unit met on July 20, 2023 and the technical committee for monitoring arboviruses was consulted on July 27, 2023. The level of vigilance has been raised to stage 3 of the dengue PSAGE “epidemic risk”.
Faced with this situation, all the players are mobilizing within the framework of the Dengue Epidemic Alert and Management Program (PSAGE), around the Regional Health Agency, the CTM (Territorial Collectivity of Martinique) and of the Prefect.
The intervention strategies already implemented are continuing (reinforcement of epidemiological surveillance and vector control actions around confirmed cases, aircraft disinsection control operations). These actions are supplemented by the mobilization of municipalities responsible for setting up social mobilization actions, relaying prevention messages to their constituents and carrying out cleaning operations aimed at removing waste likely to produce mosquito breeding grounds.
Operation punch once morest dengue fever in the city of François. • ©François (cap FB)
Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, in particular Aedes aegypti. It can lead to serious and even life-threatening symptoms such as high fevers, joint and muscle pain, skin rashes and bleeding complications.
To fight once morest the epidemic risk of dengue fever, the authorities recommend:
Eliminate mosquito breeding sites: Regularly empty all containers that may hold standing water, such as flower pots, buckets, used tires, clogged gutters, etc. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and by eliminating these breeding sites, you reduce their population.
Use mosquito repellents: Use repellents on exposed skin, following the manufacturer’s instructions. You can also apply screens to windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering buildings.
Wear Appropriate Clothing: Wear long, lightweight clothing that covers the skin to reduce exposure to mosquito bites.
Symptom monitoring: If you have symptoms of dengue fever, such as high fever, joint or muscle pain, headache, or rash, seek medical attention immediately. Early diagnosis can allow adequate management and prevent complications.
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