2023-07-11 23:43:30
Among the plausible solutions that can temper the harmful effects of scorching temperatures on agricultural activity is agrivoltaism. This is a concept that is beginning to flourish in several countries. It consists of bringing together the production of photovoltaic electricity and agricultural activity, whether it is the breeding of animals or the cultivation of plants.
In these times of extreme temperatures, vigilance is required. When the mercury panics, no one is spared: man, fauna and flora are all threatened by dehydration. The risks of forest fires, loss of livestock and drying out of plants are increasing. Even the most resilient trees, such as the olive tree, experience real water stress that can lead to their death. Heat waves can therefore be an ecological, agricultural and health disaster if they persist for a long time.
Editor’s note: Mosaïque is a press review that offers the reader a selective and quick overview of the key topics covered by renowned daily newspapers and media in the Arab world. Arab news in French is content with a very summary publication, sending the reader directly to the link of the original article. The opinion expressed in this page is the author’s own and does not necessarily reflect that of Arab News in French.
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