Combating Dengue Fever Outbreak in Martinique: Urgent Call for Action and Mobilization

2023-08-10 20:58:00

The number of dengue fever cases has been steadily increasing in recent weeks. While, at the end of July, 250 cases were confirmed, 30% of which during the previous four weeks, 89 confirmed cases of dengue were confirmed in one week, according to the Public Health France bulletin of August 3 and 225 clinically suggestive cases.

“The multiplication of dengue outbreaks in various municipalities of Martinique confirms the extension and intensification of the circulation of dengue fever on the territory”, insists Public Health France, with an “epidemic risk”.

Call for mobilization

In a press release, the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique “calls on the entire population to mobilize to fight once morest both the proliferation of mosquitoes and the transmission of the disease”.

“The increase in the number of cases is alarming enough to declare that we are in an emergency situation”, indicates Serge Letchimy, the president of the executive council of Martinique.

The CTM invites you to adopt simple gestures, destroy breeding sites at home and protect yourself once morest bites.

In this context of upsurge, municipalities and actors in the field will mobilize alongside the Collectivity to intensify door-to-door awareness actions. A reinforcement of 20 field agents is already underway at Cèdre, the Center for Mosquito Control and Entomological Research of the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique.

In consultation with the Mayors and the institutional actors, a “punch” mobilization day will be organized at the beginning of September and a large-scale awareness campaign will be implemented next week.

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