Combat Seasonal Depression: Tips to Reduce its Impact on Your Health

2023-11-06 20:31:21

Nearly one in six people suffer from depressive disorder associated with seasonal variations, but there are some tips you can use to reduce the effect on your health.

• Read also: Seasonal depression: can vitamin D supplements really help with lack of sunlight?

“There are people, regarding 15% who have mild symptoms and 2 to 3% who have more severe symptoms who really feel affected. They have a certain gloom,” mentions pharmacist Diane Lamarre.

Here are three tips that she shared on the show 100% Nouvelles on LCN to help these vulnerable people feel better during this transition period.

Light therapy

The first suggestion is to have a light therapy lamp near your workstation, especially if you have to work in an office.

“People who can buy this kind of small lamp which usually doesn’t cost very much. More sustained exposure to light really helps people who are sensitive to it get through this period,” underlines the health specialist.

Go outside

The second tip is to take a few minutes out of your day to go outside and continue our social life despite being tired.

“You have to force yourself to go outside and seek out the sunshine, even if it’s for a short time. Another piece of advice is to keep our social activities and not isolate ourselves. These are ways that help get through the seasonal transition,” she suggests.


Third, you can always consult a medical professional.

“For people who are part of the 2 to 3% who have more serious symptoms, you can consult a psychologist and get support,” she says.

Be careful, there are no miracle solutions

Many people believe that consuming food supplements or vitamins can correct your drop in energy, but the pharmacist would like to point out that no study has confirmed this theory.

“We are not able to have clear evidence of the contribution of certain vitamins such as vitamin D. There are several people who take vitamin D, but it is from the perspective of osteoporosis, but for this emotional disorder, the link is not yet well demonstrated,” she says.

Here are the pharmacist’s full explanations in the video above.

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