“Combat Dry Skin with Vitamins: The Importance of Moisturizing Creams in Modern Life”

2023-04-22 20:19:20

modern life

The use of moisturizing creams -which often contain vitamins- combats dry skin.


The National Library of Medicine of the United States (MedlinePlus) ensures that vitamins are of such importance for the body, since they participate in its growth and development.

For this reason, among the vitamins that stand out the most are A, B, C, D, E, and K. Therefore, each of them has several essential functions, such as:

  • Vitamin C: MedlinePlus explains that it is a water-soluble nutrient that participates in tissue regeneration. One of its main functions is to be a compound for skin regeneration. In addition, for blood vessels and tendons. In addition, it is essential for the healing and healing of wounds.
  • Vitamin D: Its function is to absorb calcium. It is obtained either by a balanced diet, sun exposure and/or through supplements. It is worth mentioning that, although the body develops vitamin D following exposure to the sun, staying under it for a long time can cause skin cancer or premature aging.

Vitamin A to care for the skin

It is then that according to an article published by Better with Health, Vitamin A is a nutrient that the body does not produce on its own, so it is important to include it in foods rich in it.

Furthermore, it mentions that vitamin A plays a role on the skin Because it protects it from the sun’s rays. It even reduces the risk of psoriasis, which, as the Mayo Clinic points out, is a disease that occurs on the skin, which causes eczema (flaking) and affects the appearance of spots.

Article “Retinoids in the treatment of aging skin: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety”published by Clinical Interventions in Aging and led by Siddharth Mukherjee along with other authors, explains that in World War I it was discovered that a lack of retinol -vitamin A- was an indication of possible conditions such as:

  • Xerosis: is the loss of water from the skin.
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis: The Mayo Clinic mentions that keratosis pilaris is the result of keratin accumulation, which has the function of protecting the skin from any foreign agent.

It is then that retinol -according to the medical encyclopedia- has the function of the well-being of soft or bone tissues, including the skin, which is why it is essential for their care.

Related to beta-carotene -carotenoid- it is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that damage the body’s cells.

  • Egg: It is a protein-rich food that by including it in a balanced diet, the body benefits from all its components such as vitamin A, D and E. In addition, it is so versatile that it is used in cooking and beauty, used as an ingredient of homemade masks.
  • Spinach: According to an article published by better with healthwritten by Elisa Morales, the folate contained in this plant contributes to the prevention of the onset of Alzheimer’s, which does not mean that it eliminates the chances of developing cognitive impairment, but rather reduces them.
  • Carrot: the portal health 180 explains that vitamin A is a nutrient that strengthens vision, since it has an antioxidant effect, and carrots are one of the many foods that contain it.

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