Colors of the homeland | Pharmacist warns against “Hitler’s syringe” .. Many patients ask for it in popular places

A great shock at the death of a citizen inside a pharmacy in Port Said following taking an injection called “Hitler”, or the magic mixture to treat colds, following the citizen caught a cold, which is what the Egyptian Medicines Authority had previously warned once morest giving this injection that contains a mixture of: Bio, cortisone, and pain reliever.

Pharmacist warns of “Hitler’s syringe”

Baher Al-Saeed, a pharmacist, warned of the danger of the deadly “Hitler injection”, especially as it is required by many patients in popular places, given its price ranged from 30 to 60 pounds, depending on the type of formulation.

Speaking to Al-Watan, Al-Saeed confirmed that the branches of his pharmacies in the high-end areas are not circulating, while the pharmacies in the provinces and remote areas are in high demand.

Pharmacist: Hitler’s syringe is spreading in popular neighborhoods

Dr. Muhammad Al-Saeed, a pharmacist, told Al-Watan that Hitler’s injection is widespread in popular neighborhoods because the patient feels following the injection is given to him following feeling severely ill as a result of cold turnBecause it contains an antibiotic 1 gm, cortisone, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, and all of this is not a cure for what affects the patient, but it makes him feel comfortable for some time.

Man dies following giving Hitler an injection

Andsomeone died Tariq Mustafa al-Sayed Salem, 50, was a scrap worker in a workshop in Port Said Governorate, following he was given Hitler’s injection, which caused a severe heart failure and later died.

The Egyptian Medicines Authority warns once morest Hitler’s injection

The Egyptian Medicines Authority, in a previous statement, confirmed the danger of painkillers and antibiotics in case of a cold, and clarified 5 information for people with colds:

1- The treatment of colds depends on some medications that help relieve the severity of symptoms, following consulting a doctor or a pharmacist.

2- The optimal use of medicines should be according to the health status of each person individually.

3 – alerted to the danger of excessive use of cortisone; As it causes weak immunity, and adversely affects patients with diabetes and high blood pressure.

4- Antibiotics generally do not cure colds; Because it is a viral infection, it is used to treat a bacterial infection, in addition to the fact that the excessive use of antibiotics makes the body resistant to them in the long run.

5- Excessive use of pain relievers and antipyretics; It leads to health problems for patients with liver, heart, diabetes and asthma, and its excessive use causes stomach ulcers, and kidney dysfunction.



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