Colors of the homeland | A giant rocky asteroid is approaching Earth next week… a unique phenomenon

Astronomers are waiting for a large rocky asteroid to fly near Earth next week, about one kilometer long, classified as a potentially dangerous asteroid, given its size and regular close visits to the planet, and it is expected that its expected visit will be very safe, as the asteroid launches It is 1.93 million kilometers away from Earth, which is 5.15 times the distance between us and the Moon.

All lovers of space objects and astronomical phenomena can see this asteroid when it visits the sky of Earth, as it begins its journey to approach the the earth Next week, it will reach the closest point to our planet on January 18th at 11:51 Cairo local time, according to the Science Alert website.

Prospective asteroid history

Discover asteroid The prospect known as “7482) 1994 PC1” was first introduced in 1994 by astronomer Robert McNutt at the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, and after tracing its path, scientists were able to find pictures of it and data about it, and for this reason scientists trust the security of its orbital path. .

The asteroid reached the closest point to Earth ever 89 years ago on January 17, 1933, and it was at a very close, closest but safe distance of 1.1 million km, and it is expected to reach a similar distance from Earth on January 18, 2105, and this close visit will allow scientists Astronomy is studying more about this rocky S-type asteroid, which belongs to the “Apollo” group.

How to watch the asteroid as it approaches Earth

The asteroid is traveling at an amazing speed of about 19.56 kilometers per second towards Earth, which means that it will look similar to the stars, and it is expected that the asteroid will be too faint to be seen with the naked eye or binoculars, but through at least a 6-inch telescope anyone can spot it An asteroid of this size is expected to hit Earth only once, every 600,000 years or so.

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